Graduate Tuition

Graduate tuition for the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science is $1,545 per credit for the 2024-2025 academic year. The M.Eng. program requires 30 credits to complete.

Financial Aid - Scholarships

Master's Program Committee Scholarships - Lehigh University’s Rossin College offers a limited number of partial merit- and need-based scholarships to students pursuing a Master’s of Science or a Master’s of Engineering in one of our programs.  The amount of each scholarship is variable and is specific to the program of interest.  Selections are made by the graduate admissions committee in your program of interest.

Your application to the M.Eng. in Technical Entrepreneurship program serves as your application for the Master's Program Committee Scholarship. The scholarship will offset up to 12 credits of the coursework required for the Master's program.


Lehigh Alumni Master's Scholarships - All Lehigh University alumni are now eligible for a scholarship that support students of Master's degrees in the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science. The student must be pursuing a Master's degree that starts during the 2022 Summer Session or later. The scholarship will offset up to 12 credits of the coursework required for the Master's program. It will be applied in each semester the student is enrolled, commensurate with the number of credits the student is taking toward the degree. Undergraduate students pursuing an accelerated BS/Master’s program should consult with the program of interest, as limitations may apply.

Your Lehigh University alumni status and application to the M.Eng. in Technical Entrepreneurship program serves as your application for the Lehigh Alumni Master's Scholarship.

Financial Aid - Loans

The Lehigh University Office of Financial Aid helps administer Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans, Federal Direct PLUS Loans, and Alternative Student Loans for eligible graduate students. For more information visit and/or reach out to Tami Bauder, Assistant Director of Financial Aid: Graduate Advisor at; appotinments can be scheduled at