In addition to the core requirements, students are required to complete a minimum of 9 credits of electives, at least 6 of which must be at the 400 level, and can optionally include up to six credits of thesis work. At most 3 courses (totaling 9 credits) from other programs can be applied towards the requirements of this program.
At least 3 out of the 9 credits must be chosen from the following list of approved technical electives. The remaining 6 are free electives that can be chosen from this list or from any department at Lehigh. Free electives must be approved by the Program Director.
CSE 327: Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Practice (3 credits) - Detailed analysis of a broad range of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and systems. Problem solving, knowledge representation, reasoning, planning, uncertainty and machine learning. Applications of AI to areas such as natural language processing, vision, and robotics.
CSE 407: Structural Bioinformatics (3 credits) - Computational techniques and principles of structural biology used to examine molecular structure, function, and evolution. Topics include: protein structure alignment and prediction; molecular surface analysis; statistical modeling; QSAR; computational drug design; influences on binding specificity; protein-ligand, -protein, and –DNA interactions; molecular simulation, electrostatics. Consent of instructor required.
CSE 408: Bioinformatics: Issues and Algorithms (3 credits) - Computational problems and their associated algorithms arising from the creation, analysis, and management of bioinformatics data. Genetic sequence comparison and alignment, physical mapping, genome sequencing and assembly, clustering of DNA microarray results in gene expression studies, computation of genomic rearrangements and evolutionary trees. This course, a version of 308 for graduate students requires advanced assignments.
CSE 419: Image Processing and Graphics (3 credits) - State-of-the-art techniques for fundamental image analysis tasks; feature extraction, segmentation, registration, tracking, recognition, search (indexing and retrieval). Related computer graphics techniques: modeling (geometry, physically-based, statistical), simulation (data-driven, interactive), animation, 3D image visualization, and rendering.
CSE 425: Natural Language Processing (3 credits) - Overview of modern natural language processing techniques: text normal- ization, language model, part-of-speech tagging, hidden Markov model, syntactic and dependency parsing, semantics, word sense, reference resolution, dialog agent, machine translation. Three projects to design, implement and evaluate classic NLP algorithms.
CSE 428: Semantic Web Topics (3 credits) - Theory, architecture and applications of the Semantic Web. Issues in designing distributed knowledge representation languages, ontology development, knowledge acquisition, scalable reasoning, integrating heterogeneous data sources, and web-based agents.
CSE 445: WWW Search Engines (3 credits) - Study of algorithms, architectures, and implementations of WWW search engines. Information retrieval (IR) models; performance evaluation; properties of hypertext crawling, indexing, searching and ranking; link analysis; parallel and distributed IR; user interfaces.
CSE 447: Data Mining (3 credits) - Modern data mining techniques: data cleaning; attribute and subset selection; model construction, evaluation and application. Algorithms for decision trees, covering algorithms, association rule mining, statistical modeling, model and regression trees, neural networks, instance-based learning and clustering covered.
CSE 460: Mobile Robotics (3 credits) - Algorithms employed in mobile robotics for navigation, sensing, and estimation. Common sensor systems, motion planning, robust estimation, bayesian estimation techniques, Kalman and Particle filters, localization and mapping.
CSE 471: Principles of Mobile Computing (3 credits) - Course topics include fundamental concepts and technology underlying mobile computing and current research in these areas. Examples drawn from a variety of application domains such as health monitoring, energy management, commerce, and travel. Issues of system efficiency will be studied, including efficient handling of large data such as images and effective use of cloud storage. Recent research papers will be discussed.
CSE 475: Principles and Practice of Parallel Computing (3 credits) - Parallel computer architectures, parallel languages, parallelizing compilers and operating systems. Design, implementation, and analysis of parallel algorithms for scientific and data-intensive computing.
CSE/BIOE 420: Biomedical Image Computing and Modeling (3 credits) - Biomedical image modalities, image computing techniques, and imaging informatics systems. Understanding, using, and developing algorithms and software to analyze biomedical image data and extract useful quantitative information: Biomedical image modalities and formats; image processing and analysis; geometric and statistical modeling; image informatics systems in biomedicine. This course, a graduate version of BIOE 320, requires additional advanced assignments. Credit will not be given for both BIOE 320 and BIOE 420.
ECE 345: Introduction to Data Networks (3 credits) - Analytical foundations in the design and evaluation of data communication networks. Fundamental mathematical models underlying network design with their applications in practical network algorithms. Layered network architecture, queuing models with applications in network delay analysis, Markov chain theory with applications in packet radio networks and dynamic programming with applications to network routing algorithms. Background on stochastic processes and dynamic programming will be reviewed.
ECE 401: Advanced Computer Architecture (3 credits) - Design, analysis and performance of computer architectures; high-speed memory systems; cache design and analysis; modeling cache performance; principle of pipeline processing, performance of pipelined computers; scheduling and control of a pipeline; classification of parallel architectures; systolic and data flow architectures; multiprocessor performance; multiprocessor interconnections and cache coherence.
ECE 440: Introduction to Online and Reinforcement Learning (3 credits) - Review of probability and random processes, basic reinforcement learning framework, learning from streaming data, actions in response to changing environment through Markov Decision Processes, elements of artificial intelligence. Exploration-Exploitation trade offs through bandit problems, and different methods for reinforcement learning including dynamic programming, Monte Carlo methods, temporal difference and Q-learning. Approximate solutions for very large state space systems, policy iteration and actor critic methods, introduction of deep reinforcement learning.
ECE 464: Cryptography and Network Security (3 credits) - Introduction to cryptography, classical cipher systems, cryptanalysis, perfect secrecy and the one time pad, DES and AES, public key cryptography covering systems based on discrete logarithms, the RSA and the knapsack systems, and various applications of cryptography.
ECE/CHE/ME 436: Systems Identification (3 credits) - The determination of model parameters from time-history and frequency response data by graphical, deterministic and stochastic methods. Examples and exercises taken from process industries, communications and aerospace testing. Regression, quasilinearization and invariant-imbedding techniques for nonlinear system parameter identification included.
ISE 362: Logistics and Supply Chain Management (3 credits) - Modeling and analysis of supply chain design, operations, and management. Analytical framework for logistics and supply chains, demand and supply planning, inventory control and warehouse management, transportation, logistics network design, supply chain coordination, and financial factors. Students complete case studies and a comprehensive final project.
ISE 404: Simulation (3 credits) - Applications of discrete and continuous simulation techniques in modeling industrial systems. Simulation using a high level simulation language. Design of simulation experiments. This course is a version of IE 305 for graduate students, with research projects and advanced assignments.
ISE 409: Time Series Analysis (3 credits) - Theory and applications of an approach to process modeling, analysis, prediction, and control based on an ordered sequence of observed data. Single or multiple time series are used to obtain scalar or vector difference/ differential equations describing a variety of physical and economic systems.
ISE 410: Design of Experiments (3 credits) - Experimental procedures for sorting out important causal variables, finding optimum conditions, continuously improving processes, and trouble shooting. Applications to laboratory, pilot plant and factory. Must have some statistical background and experimentation in prospect.
ISE 417: Nonlinear Optimization (3 credits) - Advanced topics in mathematical optimization with emphasis on modeling and analysis of nonlinear problems. Convex analysis, unconstrained and constrained optimization, duality theory, Lagrangian relaxation, and methods for solving nonlinear optimization problems, including descent methods, Newton methods, conjugate gradient methods, and penalty and barrier methods.
ISE 444: Optimization Methods in Machine Learning (3 credits) - Machine learning models and advanced optimization tools that are used to apply these models in practice. Machine learning paradigm, machine learning models, convex optimization models, basic and advanced methods for modern convex optimization.
ISE 455: Optimization Algorithms and Software (3 credits) - Basic concepts of large families of optimization algorithms for both continuous and discrete optimization problems. Pros and cons of the various algorithms when applied to specific types of problems; information needed; whether local or global optimality can be expected. Participants practice with corresponding software tools to gain hands-on experience.
ISE 465: Applied Data Mining (3 credits) - Introduction to the data mining process including business problem understanding, data understanding and preparation, modeling and evaluation, and model deployment. Emphasis on hands-on data preparation and modeling using techniques from statistics, artificial intelligence, such as regression, decision trees, neural networks, and clustering. A number of application areas are explored.
ISE 467: Mining of Large Datasets (3 credits) - Explores how large datasets are extracted and analyzed. Discusses suitable algorithms for high dimensional data, graphs, and machine learning. Introduces the use of modern distributed programming models for large-scale data processing.