The standard program start date begins in the summer II session (1st week of July) and will end in May. The program start date can be modified if necessary with the approval and discretion of the program director, Rudy Shankar.
Summer II – (July-August)
6 Credits
ESE 403 Energy and the Environment
ESE 405 Energy Systems Project Mgmt.
Fall – (August-December)
12 Credits
ESE 401 Energy Generation
ESE 460 Energy Systems Eng. Project
ESE 461 Energy Seminars and Field Trips
Spring – (January-May)
12 Credits
ESE 402 Transmission & Distribution: Smart Grid
ESE 460 Energy Systems Eng. Project
ESE 461 Energy Seminars and Field Trips
*Part time option is available.
*Program start date can be modified if necessary with the approval and discretion of program Director, Rudy Shankar