Current Catalog Description:
Broad overview of computer science, computer systems, and computer applications. Interactive Web page development. Includes laboratory. Not available to students who have taken CSE 12 or ENGR 010.
Instructor: Hank Korth (Fall 2019)
Primary required text:
Nell Dale and John Lewis, Computer Science Illuminated, 7th edition, 2019. Jones & Bartlett Learning, ISBN 978-1-284-15561-7 (paperback) or ISBN 978-1-284-15565-5 for publisher's online access.
Other recommended reference texts:
Brian W. Kernighan, Understanding the Digital World, 2017, Princeton University Press, ISBN 978-0-691-17654-3
Ray Toal and John David N. Dionisio, Javascript Programming Language, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010, ISBN 978-0-7637-6658-0
Lawrence Snyder, Fluency with Information Technology: skills, concepts & capabilities, 6th edition, 2015. Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN 978-0-13-357739-6
- Provide a strong foundation for further formal and informal study in Computer Science (*):
- Principles of information, its management, and its responsible use
- Principles of programming
- Broad survey of main sub-fields of computer science
- Provide a firm basis of science and mathematics
- An understanding of computational thinking
- The role of number systems in computing and information representation
- Provide exposure to projects that have the elements of those the students will encounter on the job
- Experience programming and debugging
- Experience in designing an application for others to use
CSE 001 substantially supports the following student enabled characteristics:
A. An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the discipline.
E. An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities.
Major Topics Covered in the Course
- Computing, information and social impact
- Security
- Privacy
- Globalization issues
- Public Policy
- Structure of computing systems
- Hardware components and their interconnection
- Software systems and the use of abstraction
- Information representation
- Programming
- Use of a program to implement an algorithm
- Management of complexity
- Collaboration
- Evaluation of correctness
- Debugging
- Short introduction to sub-fields of computer science
- Algorithms
- Architecture
- Artificial intelligence
- Asymptotic complexity
- Database systems
- Data mining and analytics
- Graphics
- Human/computer interface
- Limits of computation (undecidability)
- Networking
- Operating Systems
- Programming paradigms and languages
- The Web