The MEM department has a small wind tunnel with a 2 ft. x 2 ft. test section. It is used for several elective courses as well as for independent study projects.
- The freshman introductory engineering course (ENGR 005) has an option where students design and test airfoils. They use a force balance to measure the lift and drag on their foam designs.
- Another course that utilizes the wind tunnel is an upperclassman elective, Advanced Strength of Materials (MECH 305).
- Upperclassmen may also select to complete an independent study project, where they work more closely with an advisor on a project of their choosing.
- The aerospace club is a student run organization that also takes advantage of this facility.
The instrumentation in the wind tunnel is continuously being upgraded to provide a better understanding of the testing and its results.
Rooms: Packard 372
Faculty Contact: Terry J. Hart (teh305@lehigh.edu)
Associated Courses: ME 305, MECH 326, MECH 328