The Cornelius Prize: Awarded to the senior Mechanical Engineering student who is judged to have profited most by opportunities at Lehigh. The award is based on 70% scholarship, 20% on attainment in general culture, and 10% on development in personality.
Evan R. Dare
The Alan H. Stenning Award:
Aaron J. Dovenspike
Project Title: Development of Bio-Robotic Fish Platform for Measuring Stability and Permormance in Fish Schools
The Ferdinand P. Beer Award: For excellence in the field of Mechanics.
Daniel T. Cahill
The Thomas E. Jackson Award: For contributions to the development and/or use of the Thomas E. Jackson Engine Testing Laboratory.
Brent R. Catan
H.R. and Y.B. Wei Award: This award is funded through a generous endowment by Prof. Robert Wei and his wife Lee in honor and memory of Prof. Wei's parents who devoted their lives to education and national service. The prize
recognizes an outstanding undergraduate student who has completed his or her junior year in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, and has demonstrated both outstanding academic achievement and
leadership qualities.
Anna C. Perris
Alex Perlman