Cayce Roy has led organizations through transformational change spanning complex global logistics operations ( and TNT Express Worldwide), leading ecommerce companies ( and Liquidity Services), and most recently the Healthcare Supply Chain (Standvast).
During his time at Amazon, in the 00’s, he led the team that transformed Amazon's US Operations from the single greatest risk into an important strategic asset. In the process, they invented ecommerce fulfillment, created a new US transportation network, and enabled many of the customer centric services/products that are now ubiquitous. He then led Amazon Merchant and Marketplace Services from second to the premier marketplace in the US, while expanding the offering internationally.
Outside of his experience at Amazon, Cayce helped turn-around the performance of Liquidity Services. During the 90s he was with TNT Express WW where he held a variety of senior operational leadership roles all driving global change. He is President of RC5 Advisors serving as an advisor, board member or lead consultant for numerous organizations across multiple industry sectors.
Most recently, he leads a team who have invented a new patent pending healthcare supply chain model that brings the healthcare supply chain into this millennium. This new model formed the creation of Standvast Healthcare Fulfillment, whose technology enabled fulfillment product services innovative healthcare providers. Standvast’s new offering delivers transformative results for hospitals, clinicians, and the patients they serve.
Cayce 86’ holds a BS in Industrial Engineering from Lehigh University and attended a summer financial management program at Stanford University.