The bioengineering department at Lehigh prepares students to be critical thinkers, problem solvers, innovators, leaders and life-long learners who can make a positive impact among the interfaces among the physical and life sciences and engineering. We accomplish this with outstanding and dedicated faculty members, a vibrant curriculum, state of the art technologies, and a highly integrative and interdisciplinary, research-driven focus.

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
From energy to biotechnology to petrochemicals, the endeavors of Lehigh chemical engineers leave their mark across a diverse set of global industries. Students and faculty engage in all aspects of the chemical process industry, from R&D to plant construction and operation. The department also plays a leading role in campus health and biomedical research initiatives.

Civil and Environmental Engineering
Lehigh's storied civil engineering programs are recognized globally for expertise in structural, environmental, geotechnical and water resource engineering. Students conduct real-world research in facilities suchs Lehigh's Center for Advanced Technology for Large Structural Systems (ATLSS) -- a national engineering research center that houses programs such as the George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES@Lehigh). The department also figured prominently in the University's STEPS initiative, its sustainable development program, and Lehigh's award-winning Engineers Without Borders chapter.

Computer Science and Engineering
Designed to evolve along with an industry constantly in flux, the department tackles research ranging from artificial intelligence to bioinformatics, computer vision to network safety. Student research is a department priority, and students enjoy opportunities to work on several nationally funded research projects every year. Additionally, the computer science and business program (CSB) is one of just a few programs nationwide to be dually-accredited by the professional governing bodies for computer science and for business.

Electrical and Computer Engineering
The department boasts innovative, cross-disciplinary research in fields as diverse as nanotechnology, optical technologies and integrated circuit design, among others. Students at all levels partner with their peers and faculty on the latest emerging technologies.

Industrial and Systems Engineering
One of the nation's earliest systems engineering programs, the department explores and teaches analytics, optimization, and high-performance computing to give students the tools to solve a number of complex industrial challenges in areas such as manufacturing, production, healthcare and financial services.

Materials Science and Engineering
As science and technology advance in the 21st century, progress in many fields will depend on the discovery and development of new materials, processed in more complex ways, and with new kinds of properties. Lehigh's faculty and students in materials science are heralded for pioneering research in the fields of polymers, optics, nanotechnology and photonics. The department has been a leader in the development of materials science since the field's earliest days, and hosts an internationally-respected annual Microscopy School for the world's leading nanoscale engineers and scientists.

Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
For years, Lehigh mechanical engineering have become leading experts on the design, construction and operation of machinery -- a field that is once again growing and transforming as society turns to technology for a rapidly-increasing set of applications. Students and faculty engage a wide array of subjects that include fluid mechanics, engineering materials, product design and manufacturing, thermodynamics and control systems, taking advantage of the various labs and instrumentation the department has to offer.