Areas of Research and Scholarship
Dr. Ricles conducts experimental and analytical research on innovative seismic-resistant steel structures; composite steel-concrete structures; structural steel connections; advanced simulation methods, including large-scale multi-directional real-time hybrid simulation of structural systems under dynamic loading; the rehabilitation and assessment of damaged and deteriorated buildings and offshore structures; offshore wind turbine structures subject to aeroelastic, hydrodynamic, and mechanical loading effects; and resiliency of coastal civil infrastructure.
He has been Principal or co-Principal Investigator for more than 62 research projects with budgets exceeding $50,000, and for 20 large-scale multi-investigator research programs with budgets exceeding $1 million. He is co-author of more than 174 peer-reviewed journal articles along with more than 423 conference and workshop proceedings papers and technical reports.
Dr. Ricles has received numerous awards for his research, including a Special Achievement Award from the American Institute of Steel Construction for research related to seismically resilient steel structures, including moment resisting connections and self-centering frames. He is a National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Awardee; a NASA Research Fellowship Awardee; and an American Institute of Steel Construction National Fellow. He received the 2009 American Society of Civil Engineers Raymond C. Reese Research Prize. In addition, Dr. Ricles has won eight awards from Lincoln Arc Welding in Recognition of Outstanding Achievement in Arc Welded Design, including the pretigoius Chairman's Award for Outstanding Achievement in Arc Welded Design.
Dr. Ricles is the Director of the ATLSS Engineering Research Center and the Director of the NSF-sponsored Lehigh Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Experimental Facility. As the Director of the Lehigh NHERI Experimental Facility, Dr. Ricles has been leading the development in large-scale multi-directional real-time hybrid simulation, a technique that enables the development and experimental validation of performance-based engineered resilient structural system concepts that mitigate the effects of natural hazards. Dr. Ricles serves on several editorial boards of international journals, including the Editorial Advisory Board of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics published by Wiley and Editor-in-Chief of Engineering Structures published by Elsevier.
Teaching and Service
Dr. Ricles teaches courses in Structural Dynamics, Structural Reliability, Linear and Non-linear Structural Analysis, and Stability and Design of Steel Structures. He has supervised or co-supervised more than 30 completed M.S. student theses and 20 completed Ph.D. student dissertations. Some of these former Ph.D. students are now faculty members at University of Illinois, Princeton University, and Purdue University in the U.S., as well as at several universities overseas.
Selected Publications in Refereed Journals
Selected publications are listed below. For a complete list of Professor Ricles' publications, click here.
Al-Subaihawi, S., Ricles, J., Quiel, S., and T. Marullo, “Real-Time Hybrid Simulation of Structural Systems with Soil-Foundation Interaction Effects Using Neural Networks,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2024;1-31., 2024.
Al-Subaihawi, S., Ricles, J., Quiel, S, and T. Marullo. “Development of Multi-directional Real-Time Hybrid Simulation for Tall Buildings Subject to Multi-natural Hazards,” Engineering Structures, 315 (2024) 118348,, 2024.
Al-Subaihawi, S., Ricles, J., Quiel, S. and T. Marullo. “Unconditionally Stable Central Difference Dissipative Algorithm for Multi-directional Real-Time Hybrid Simulations of Large Nonlinear Structural Systems,” Journal of Earthquake Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2024.2333822, 2024.
Al-Subaihawi, S., Ricles, J., Abu-Kassab, Q., Suleiman, M., Sause, R., and T. Marullo. “Coupled Aero-Hydro-Geotech Real-Time Hybrid Simulation of Offshore Wind Turbine Monopile Structures,” Engineering Structures, 303 (2024) 117463,, 2024.
Coble, D., Cao, L. Downey, A., and J. Ricles. “Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Dry Friction and Backlash Modeling in Structural Control Systems,” Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 218 (2024) 111522,, 2024.
Amer, A., Sause, R. and J. Ricles. “Experimental Response and Damage of SC-CLT Shear Walls under Multidirectional Cyclic Lateral Loading,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 150(2): 04023215, DOI: 10.1061/JSENDH.STENG-12576, 2024.
Cao, S., Shi, F., Cao, L., Ricles, J.M., and O. Ozbulut, “ A Hybrid Self-Centering Seismic Damper: Finite Element Modeling and Parametric Analysis,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,, 2024.
Astudillo, B., Rivera, D., Duke, J., Simpson, B., Fahnestock, L., Sause, R., Ricles, J., Kurata, M., Okazaki, T., Kawamata, Y., Tao, Z., Qie, Y., “Modeling Uncertainty of Specimens Employing Spines and Three Force-Limiting Connections Tested at E-Defense Shake Table,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 52: 4638-4659., 2023.
Malik, F., Ricles, J., and M. Yari. “Physics Informed Recurrent Neural Networks for Seismic Response Evaluation of Nonlinear Systems.” arXiv:2308.08655 ,, 2023.
Dong, B., and Ricles, J.M. “Towards seismic performance quantification of viscous damped steel structure: Site-specific hazard analysis and response prediction,” Engineering Structures, 280 (2023), 115677,, 2023.
Cao, S., Shi, F., Cao, L., Ricles, J.M., and O. Ozbulut, “ A Hybrid Self-Centering Seismic Damper: Finite Element Modeling and Parametric Analysis,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,, 2023.
Xie, S.C.; Kolay, C. Feng, D.C., and J. Ricles. “Nonlinear Static Analysis of Extreme Structural Behavior: Overcoming Convergence Issues via an Unconditionally Stable Explicit Dynamic Approach,” Structures, 49: 58-69, https:/, March, 2023.
Al-Subaihawi, S., Ricles, J., and S. Quiel. “Online Explicit Model Updating of Nonlinear Viscous Damper for Real Time Hybrid Simulation,” Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, Vol. 154,, 2022.
Asfaw, A., Cao, L. Ozbulut, A., and J. Ricles. “Development of a Shape Memory Alloy-Based Friction Damper and its Experimental Characterization Considering Rate and Temperature Effects,” Engineering Structures. 273 (2022) 1151101,, 2022.
Vargas, B., Harvey, S., Cao, L. Ricles, J., Al-Subaihawi, S., and E. Vega. “Experimental study of rolling pendulum isolation bearings with augmented damping: Characterization and real-time hybrid tests,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 022;1–22, DOI: 10.1002/eqe.3694, 2022.
Dong, B., Sause, R., and Ricles, J.M. “Modeling of Nonlinear Viscous Damper Response for Analysis and Design of Earthquake-Resistant Building Structures,” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering,, 2022.
Herrera, R., Muhummud, T., Ricles, J., and R. Sause. “Modeling of Composite MRFs with CFT Columns and WF Beams,” Journal of Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 43(3),, 2022.
Dong, B., and Ricles, J.M. “Simplified Seismic Design Procedure for Steel MRF Structures with Nonlinear Viscous Dampers,” Journal of Constructional Steel Research,, 2021.
Dong, B., Ricles, J.M., and B. Phillips “Experimental Investigation of Pulse-type Ground Motions Effects on Steel Building with Nonlinear Viscous Dampers,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 50:4032-4050,, 2021.
Chowdhury A, Conte J, Masters F, Ramirez J and Ricles J. Editorial: Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI): “Mitigating the Impact of Natural Hazards on Civil Infrastructure and Communities,” Frontiers in Built Environment, 7:708450. doi: 10.3389/fbuil.2021.708450, 2021.
Gong, Y., Cao, L., Laflamme, S., Ricles, J, Quiel, S., and D. Taylor, “Numerical Validation of Variable Friction Cladding Connection for Multi-Hazard Mitigation,” Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol 27, Issue 1-2 pp. 82-100,, 2021.
Kolay, C., Al-Subaihawi, S., Thomas Marullo, Ricles, J. M. and S. E. Quiel, “Multi-Hazard Real-Time Hybrid Simulation of a Tall Building with Damped Outriggers,” International Journal of Lifecycle Performance Engineering, Vol. 4, Nos. 1/2/3, pp.103–132,, 2020.
Fang, C., Wang, W., Feng, W., Ricles, J., Sause, R., and Y. Chen, “SMA-Based Low-Damage Solution for Self-Centering Steel And Composite Beam-to-Column Connections,“ Journal of Structural Engineering, 146(6),, 2020.
Cao, L., Marullo, M., Al-Subaihawi, S., Kolay, C., Amer, A., Ricles, J., Sause, R., and Kusko, C. (2020) “NHERI Lehigh Experimental Facility with Large-Scale Multi-Directional Hybrid Simulation Testing Capabilities,” Frontiers in Built Environment - Wind Engineering and Science, 6:107. doi: 10.3389/fbuil.2020.00107, 2020.
Glassman, J., Gomez, A., Garlock, M. and J. Ricles, “Mechanical properties of weathering steel at elevated temperatures,” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 168, May 2020, 105996, 2020.
Al-Subaihawi, S., Kolay, C., Thomas Marullo, Ricles, J. M. and S. E. Quiel, “Assessment of Wind-Induced Vibration Mitigation in a Tall Building with Damped Outriggers Using Real-time Hybrid Simulations,” Engineering Structures, 205, art. no. 110044,, 2020.
Kolay, C., Al-Subaihawi, S., Thomas Marullo, Ricles, J. M. and S. E. Quiel, “Multi-Hazard Real-Time Hybrid Simulation of a Tall Building with Damped Outriggers,” International Journal of Lifecycle Performance Engineering, Vol. 4, Nos. 1/2/3, pp.103–132,, 2020.
Fang, C., Wang, W., Feng, W., Ricles, J., Sause, R., and Y. Chen, “SMA-Based Low-Damage Solution for Self-Centering Steel And Composite Beam-to-Column Connections,“ Journal of Structural Engineering, 146(6),, 2020.
Kolay, C., and J.M. Ricles, “Improved Explicit Integration Algorithms for Structural Dynamic Analysis with Unconditional Stability and Controllable Numerical Dissipation,” Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 23(5), pp 771-792,, 2019.
Gong, Y., Cao, L., Laflamme, S., Ricles, J, Quiel, S., and D. Taylor, “Variable Friction Cladding Connection for Seismic Mitigation,” Engineering Structures, 189, pp. 243 - 259., 2019.
Fu, B. Kolay, C., Ricles, J. Jiang, H., and T. Wu, “Stability Analysis of Substructure Shake Table Testing using Two Families of Model-Based Integration Algorithms,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol 126(2019) 105777,, 2019.
Fang, C., Wang, W., Zhan, G., Sause, R., Ricles, J., and Y. Chen, “Behavior and Design of Self-Centering Energy Dissipative Devices Equipped with Superelastic SMA Ring Springs,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE 145(10),, October, 2019.
Wang, W., Fang, C., Zhao, Y., Sause, R., Hu, S. and J. Ricles, “Self-Centering Friction Spring Dampers for Seismic Resilience,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 48(9) 1045-1065,, July, 2019
Gong, Y., Cao, L., Laflamme, S., Ricles, J, Quiel, S., and D. Taylor, “Motion-Based Design Approach for a Novel Variable Friction Cladding Connection used in Wind Hazard Mitigation,” Engineering Structures, 181(15), pp 397-412,, 2018.
Kolay, C., Ricles, J.M., Marullo, T., Al-Subaihawi, S., and S. Quiel, "Computational Challenges in Real-Time Hybrid Simulation of Tall Buildings under Multiple Natural Hazards", Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 763, pp. 566-575, , 2018.
Dong, B., Sause, R., and J.M. Ricles, "Seismic Performance of Steel MRF Structures with Nonlinear Viscous Dampers from Real-Time Hybrid Simulations", Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 763, pp. 967-974,, 2018.
Kolay, C., and J.M. Ricles, “Force-Based Frame Element Implementation for Real-Time Hybrid Simulation using Explicit Direct Integration Algorithms,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 144(2),, 2018.
Gong, Y., Cao, L., Laflamme, S., Quiel, S., Ricles, J, and D. Taylor, “Characterization of a Novel Semi-Active Cladding Connection for Semi-Active Cladding System,” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 25(6),, 2018.
Dong, B., Sause, R., and J.M. Ricles, “Seismic Response and Damage of Reduced Strength Steel MRF Structures with Nonlinear Viscous Dampers,” Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol 144(12) 2035-2055 ,, 2018.
Cao, L., Lu, S., Laflamme, S., Quiel, S., Ricles, J, and D. Taylor, “Performance-Based Design Procedure of a Novel Friction-Based Cladding Connection for Blast Mitigation,” International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 117, pp 48-62,, 2018.
Wang, W., Fang, C., Yang, X., Chen, Y., Ricles, J., and R. Sause, “Innovative Use of a Shape Memory Alloy Ring Spring System for Self-Centering Connections,” Engineering Structures, 153 (2017), 503-515,, 2017.
Fang, C., Wang, W., Chen, Y., Ricles, J., Sause, R,. Yang, X., and Q. Zhong, “Application of an Innovative SMA Ring Spring System for Steel Frames Subject to Seismic Conditions,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 144(8),, 2018.
Ahmadi, O., Ricles, J.M., and R. Sause, “Modeling and Seismic Collapse Resistance Study of a Steel SC-MRF” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Special Issue: Advances in Seismic Design and Assessment of Steel Structures, 113(2018),, 324-338, 2018.
Chae, Y., Ricles, J., and R. Sause, “Equivalent Linear System for SDOF Structures with Magneto-Rheological Dampers,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 28(19) 2675–2687,, 2017.
Ganey, R., Berman, J., Akbas, T., Loftus, S., Dolan, D., Sause, R., Ricles, J.M., Pei, S., van de Lindt, J., Blomgren, H-E., “Experimental Investigation of Self-Centering Cross Laminated Timber Walls,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 143(10),, 2017.
Chu, X., Ricles, J.M., and Pakzad, S.N., “Seismic Fragility Analysis of the Smithsonian Institute Museum Support Center,” Earthquake Spectra, EERI, 33:1, 85-108, , 2017.
Akbas, T., Sause, R., Ricles, J.M., Ganey, R., Berman, J., Loftus, S., Dolan, D., Pei, S., van de Lindt, J., Blomgren, H-E., “Analytical and Experimental Lateral Load Response of Self-Centering CLT Walls,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 143(6), 2017.
Kolay, C., and J.M. Ricles, “Assessment of Explicit and Semi-Explicit Classes of Model-Based Algorithms for Direct Integration in Structural Dynamics,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol 107: 49-73,, 2016.
Dong, B., Sause, R., and J.M. Ricles, “Seismic Response and Performance of Steel MRF Building with Nonlinear Viscous Dampers under DBE and MCE,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 142(6), 2016.
Feng, D., Kolay, C., Ricles, J.M., and Li, J., “Collapse Simulation of a Concrete Frame Structure,” The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 25(12) 578-601,, 2016.
Cao, L., Downey, A., Laflamme, S., Taylor, D., and J. Ricles, “High Capacity Variable Friction Damper based on Band Brake Technology,” Engineering Structures, 113 (2016) 287–298,, 2016.
Shahidi, G., Pakzad, S.N., Ricles, J.M., and Martin, J.R., “Assessment of the 2011 Virginia Earthquake Damage and Seismic Fragility Analysis of the Washington Monument,” Earthquake Spectra, EERI, 32:4, 2399-2423, 2016 (
Cao, L., Laflamme, S., Taylor, D., and J. Ricles, “Simulations of a Variable Friction Device for Multi-Hazard Mitigation,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 142(12), 2016.
Dong, B., Ricles, J.M. and R. Sause, “Seismic Performance of Steel MRF Building with Nonlinear Viscous Dampers,” Journal of Frontiers in Architectural and Civil Engineering, 10(3): 254–271,, 2016.
Pei, P, van de Lindt, J.W., Popovski, M., Berman, J.W., Dolan, J.D., Ricles, J., Sause, R., Blomgren, H., and D.R. Rammer, “Cross Laminated Timber for Seismic Regions: Progress and Challenges for Research and Implementation,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 142(4), (doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001192), 2016.
Cao, L. Downey, A., Laflamme, S., Taylor, D. and J. Ricles, “Variable Friction Device for Structural Control Based on Duo-Servo Vehicle Brake: Modeling and Experimental Validation,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol 348, 41-56,, 2015.
Dong, B., Sause, R., and J.M. Ricles, “Accurate Real-time Hybrid Earthquake Simulations on Large-scale MDOF Steel Structure with Nonlinear Viscous Dampers,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Volume 44, Issue 12, Pages: 2035–2055,, 2015.
Friedman, A., Dyke, S., Phillips, B., Ahn, R., Dong, B., Chae, Y., Castaneda, N., Jiang, Z., Zhang, J., Cha, Y., Ozdagli, A., Spencer, B., Ricles, J., Christenson, R., Agrawal, A., and Sause, R., “Large-Scale Real-Time Hybrid Simulation for Evaluation of Advanced Damping System Performance,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 141(6),, 2015.
Kolay, C., Ricles, J., Marullo, T., Mahvashmohammadi, A. and Sause, R.,“Implementation and Application of the Unconditionally Stable Explicit Parametrically Dissipative KR-α Method for Real-Time Hybrid Simulation,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,, 2014.
Karavasilis, T., Seo, C.Y., Ricles, J.M. and Sause, R., “Seismic Performance and Probabilistic Collapse Resistance Assessment of Steel MRFs with Viscous Fluid Dampers,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,, 2014.
Kolay, C. and Ricles, J., “Development of a Family of Unconditionally Stable Explicit Direct Integration Algorithms with Controllable Numerical Energy Dissipation,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Published online in Wiley Online Library ( 43(9), 1361–1380., 2014.
Chae, Y., Ricles, J. and Sause, R., “Large-Scale Real-time Hybrid Simulation of a 3-story Steel Frame Structure with Magneto-Rheological Dampers,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Published online in Wiley Online Library (, 2014.
Chae, Y., Kazemibidokhti, K. and Ricles, J.M., “Adaptive Time Series Compensator for Delay Compensation of Servo-Hydraulic Actuator Systems for Real-Time Hybrid Simulation,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 42(11), 1697–1715,, 2013.
Okazaki, T., Lignos, D.G., Midorikawa, M., Ricles, J.M. and Love, J., “Damage to Steel Buildings Observed After the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake,” Earthquake Spectra, EERI, Vol. 29 (S1), pp. S219-S243, 2013.
Lin, Y.C., Sause, R. and Ricles, J.M., “Seismic Performance of a Large-Scale Steel Self-Centering Moment Resisting Frame: MCE Hybrid Simulations and Quasi-Static Pushover Tests,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 139(7), pp. 1227-1236, 2013,
Chae, Y., Ricles, J. and Sause, R.,“Modeling of a Large-Scale Magneto-Rheological Damper for Seismic Hazard Mitigation, Part II: Semi-Active Mode,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 42(5), 687–703, 2013
Chae, Y, Ricles, J. and Sause, R., “Modeling of a Large-Scale Magneto-Rheological Damper for Seismic Hazard Mitigation, Part I: Passive Mode,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 42(5), 669–685, 2013
Lin, Y.C., Sause, R. and Ricles, J.M., “Seismic Performance of a Steel Self-Centering Moment Resisting Frame: Hybrid Simulations Under Design Basis Earthquake,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 139(11), pp. 1823-1832, 2013,
Chen, C. and Ricles, J.M., “Real-Time Hybrid Simulation Involving Multiple Experimental Substructures and Adaptive Actuator Delay Compensation,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 41(3), pp. 549-569, 2012.
Karavasilis, T., Sause, R. and Ricles, J.M., “Seismic Design and Evaluation of Steel MRFs with Compressed Elastomer Dampers,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 41(3), pp. 411-429, 2012.
Karavasilis, T., Ricles, J.M., Sause, R. and Chen, C., “Experimental Evaluation of the Seismic Performance of Steel MRFs with Compressed Elastomer Dampers using Large-scale Real-time Hybrid Simulation,” Engineering Structures, 33(6):1859-1869, 2011.
Chen, C. and Ricles, J.M., “Tracking Error-Based Servo-Hydraulic Actuator Adaptive Compensation for Real-Time Hybrid Simulation,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 136(4), pp. 432- 440, 2010.
Chen, C. and Ricles, J.M., “Stability Analysis of Direct Integration Algorithms Applied to MDOF Nonlinear Structural Dynamics,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 136(4), pp. 485-495, 2010.
Chen, C., Ricles, J.M., Sause, R. and Christensen, R., “Experimental Evaluation of an Adaptive Actuator Control Technique For Real-Time Simulation of Large-Scale Magneto-Rheological Fluid Damper Subjected To Random Displacement and Variable Current Inputs,” Smart Materials and Structures,, 19 (2010) 025017.
Chen, C., Ricles, J.M., Marullo, T. and Mercan, O., “Real-Time Hybrid Testing Using the Unconditionally Stable Explicit CR Integration Algorithm,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol 38(1), pp. 23-44, 2009.
Mercan, O., Ricles, J.M., Sause, R. and Marullo, T., “Kinematic Transformations in Planar Multi-directional Pseudo-Dynamic Testing,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 38(9), pp. 1093-1119, 2009.
Wolski, M., Ricles, J.M. and Sause, R., “Experimental Study of a Self-Centering Beam-Column Connection with Bottom Flange Friction Device,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 135(5), pp. 479-488, 2009.
Mercan, O. and Ricles, J.M., “Experimental Studies on Real-time Testing of Structures with Elastomeric Dampers,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 135(9), pp. 1124–1133, 2009.
Iyama, J., Seo, C.Y., Ricles, J.M. and Sause, R., “Self-centering MRFs with Bottom Flange Friction Devices Under Earthquake Loadings,” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 65(2), pp. 314-325, 2009.
Lee, K., Ricles, J. and Sause, R., “Performance Based Seismic Design of Steel MRFs with Elastomeric Dampers,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 135 (5), pp. 489-498, 2009.
Chen, C. and Ricles, J.M., “Stability Analysis of Direct Integration Algorithms Applied to Nonlinear Structural Dynamics,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 134(9), pp. 703-711, 2008.
Chen, C. and Ricles, J.M., “Development of Direct Integration Algorithms for Structural Dynamics Using Discrete Control Theory,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 134(8), pp. 676-683, 2008.
Herrera, R.A., Ricles, J.M. and Sause, R., “Seismic Performance Evaluation of a Large-Scale Composite MRF Using Pseudo-Dynamic Testing,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 134 (2), 2008.
Fahnestock, L.A., Ricles, J.M. and Sause, R., “Seismic Response and Performance of Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 133 (9), pp. 1195-1204, 2007.
Fahnestock, L.A., Ricles, J.M. and Sause, R., “Experimental Evaluation of a Large-Scale Buckling-Restrained Braced Frame,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 133 (9), pp. 1205-1214, 2007.
Garlock, M.M., Sause, R. and Ricles, J.M., “Behavior and Design of Post-Tensioned Steel Frame Systems,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 133 (3), pp. 389-399, 2007.
Sause, R., Lee, K-S. and Ricles, J., “Rate-independent and Rate-dependent Models for Hysteretic Behavior of Elastomers,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 133 (11), pp. 1162-1170, 2007.
Zhang, X. and Ricles, J. “Experimental Evaluation of Reduced Beam Section Connections to Deep Columns,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 132(3), pp. 346-357, 2006.
Zhang, X. and Ricles, J. “Seismic Behavior of Reduced Beam Section Moment Connections to Deep Columns,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 132(3), pp. 358-367, 2006.
Garlock, M.M., Ricles J.M. and Sause, R., “Experimental Studies of Full-Scale Post-Tensioned Steel Connections,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 131(3), pp. 438-448, 2005.
Rojas, P., Ricles, J.M., and R. Sause, “Seismic Performance of Post-Tensioned Steel MRFs With Friction Devices,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 131(4), pp. 529-540, 2005.
Rojas, P., Garlock, M., Ricles, J., and Sause, R., "Use of Post-Tensioned Friction Damped Connections for Seismic Retrofit of Steel Moment Resisting Frames," International Journal of Steel Structures, 5(3), pp. 265-276, 2005.
Ricles, J.M., Peng, S.W. and Lu, L-W., “Seismic Behavior of Composite CFT Column-WF Beam Moment Connections,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 130, No. 2, 2004, pp. 223-232.
Varma, A.H., Ricles, J.M., Sause, R. and Lu, L-W., “Seismic Behavior and Design of High Strength Square Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Beam-Columns,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 130(2), 2004, pp. 169-179.
Ricles, J.M., Mao, C., Lu, L-W. and Fisher, J.W., “Ductile Details For Welded Unreinforced Moment Connections Subject To Inelastic Cyclic Loading,” Journal of Engineering Structures, Elsevier, Vol. 25, 2003, pp. 667-680.
Varma, A.H., Ricles, J.M., Sause, R., and L.W. Lu, “Seismic Behavior and Modeling Of High Strength Composite Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFT) Beam-Columns,” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 20th Anniversary Special Issue, Vol. 58/5-8, May, pp. 725-758, 2002.
Varma, A.H., Ricles, J.M., Sause, R., and L.W. Lu, ”Experimental Behavior of High Strength Square CFT Beam-Columns,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 128, No. 3, pp. 309-318, 2002
Ricles, J.M., Sause, R., Garlock, M. and Zhao, C. ”Post-Tensioned Seismic Resistant Connections For Steel Frames,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 127, No.2, pp 113-121, 2001.
Pessiki, S., Harries, K., Kestner, J., Sause, R., and J.M. Ricles, ”The Axial Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Columns Confined with Fiber Reinforced Composite Jackets,” Journal of Composites in Construction, ASCE, Vol. 5, No.4, 2001.
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