Accredited since 1936, the department offers one of the nation's leading materials science and engineering programs. Students work closely with award-winning professors who are at the top of their fields in a program that provides an excellent balance between theoretical and practical knowledge. The department has been a leader in the development of materials science since the field's earliest days, and hosts an internationally-respected annual Microscopy School for the world's leading nanoscale engineers and scientists.
Innovative new materials underpin the solution to many challenges facing society, from detecting and treating disease, to implementing large-scale renewable energy sources, to securing food and fresh water for all. In order to address these challenges, the Institute for Functional Materials & Devices (I-FMD) brings together Lehigh’s interdisciplinary expertise in the synthesis, fabrication, processing, and characterization of engineered materials including semiconductors, metals, ceramics, composites, polymers and other soft materials. These materials are integrated into sensors, actuators, and other devices that have critical functionality in various sectors of society.
With direct access to Lehigh's microscopy facility, faculty and students are heralded for pioneering research in fields such as polymers, optics, nanotechnology and photonics. The department's produces graduates who are prepared to launch exciting careers in research, operations, academia, and management.
Thank you for your interest in Lehigh's materials science community! Please review our web site or contact us to set up some time to visit us and learn more.
Ricardo Castro
Professor and Chair
Department of Materials Science and Engineering