Chengshan Xiao, Chandler Weaver Professor and Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Lehigh University, has been elected as the Vice President for Publications of the IEEE Communications Society.
Xiao, who is currently serving as a Member-at-Large of the IEEE Communications Society, has held numerous leadership positions over his many years of service to the organization. The society has more than 24,000 members and “promotes technological innovation and fosters creation and sharing of information among the global technical community.” It sponsors the publication of 13 research journals and five technical magazines.
“The IEEE Communications Society plays a key role in delivering timely and high-quality technical information on a wide variety of communications topics to our community and the world,” he says. “I look forward to continuing my service in support of this critical mission.”
Xiao’s experience includes serving as the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2010-2013), Member-at-Large (2012-2014), Director of Conference Publications (2014-2015), and Awards Committee Chair (2018-2019). He was the Technical Program Chair for IEEE ICC 2010 (Cape Town, South Africa) and Technical Program Co-Chair for 2017 IEEE GLOBECOM (Singapore).
He is an IEEE Fellow and an internationally-recognized researcher and educator in Wireless Communications and Signal Processing. He joined Lehigh’s P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science in 2017. His research explores topics such as wireless communications, signal processing, underwater acoustic communications, and artificial intelligence.
Xiao previously served as a professor at Missouri University of Science & Technology, and as a Program Director with the National Science Foundation’s Division of Electrical, Communications, and Cyber Systems. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and has received numerous distinguished honors and recognitions, such as the Humboldt Research Award, Harold Sobol Award, and Joseph LoCicero Award.
During his term (January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2023) as the IEEE Communications Society Vice President for Publications, Xiao says he will focus on strengthening the society’s publications, expanding the diversity of contributors and topics, and growing engagement within the society and among outside partners.
“My goals include enhancing diversity among the publication leadership team and volunteers in terms of gender, geographical region, seniority, ethnicity, etc., for greater representation,” he says. “I will look to broaden open access and bolster the performance of all journals and magazines—especially those new to the portfolio. By updating and expanding technical topics, we will maintain and improve the society’s world-wide leadership position in broad communications areas.”
Xiao also seeks to encourage early-career professionals and recruiting industry colleagues to get involved in journal and magazine editorial boards and reviewing processes to help fulfill the society’s mission of providing “services to members for their technical and professional advancement and forums for technical exchanges among professionals in academia, industry, and public institutions.”
Xiao served on the society’s Fellow Evaluation Committee from 2012 to 2015 and was also the Founding Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Wireless Communications (2007-2008). He served as Symposium/Track Chair for GLOBECOM ’05, WCNC ’07, ICC ’08, ICC ’12.
He holds a PhD in electrical engineering from the University of Sydney (Australia), as well as an MS from Tsinghua University and a BS from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, both in electronic engineering.