The 28th Annual Meeting of North-East Corridor Zeolite Association (NECZA) was held at Villanova University. NECZA is an outgrowth of discussions held after sessions at the 1997 Zeolite and Layered Materials Gordon Conference, Chaired by Charles Kresge. NECZA seeks to maximize discussion and interactions between the scientists who are attending the meeting. As such, the technical program has contributions from a variety of backgrounds, mainly focused on porous materials (zeolites, metal-organic frameworks, covalent organic frameworks, etc.) and their applications. The poster session and graduate student talks have been a staple of NECZA meetings.
This year's poster session received a high turnout and participation. The session included 12 participants, all of which entered the poster competition. Students and postdocs from 5 universities took part in the poster session. There were two winners of the competition, which included Hao Guo, a fourth-year Ph.D. student in Lehigh’s Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering department (ChBE), for his collaborative work “Toward synthesis-structure-function relations of hierarchically structured 2D COFs”. His research at Lehigh is focused on Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs), where he continues to work collectively with the Lehigh research groups of Professors Mark Snyder and Srinivas Rangarajan of ChBE, and Christopher Kiely of Materials Science & Engineering.