Lehigh has partnered with Brookhaven National Laboratory, the first of its kind between NSLS-II and an academic research institution

The National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS-II), located within the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, is one of the world's most advanced synchrotrons. A state-of-the-art, medium-energy electron storage ring, it provides extremely powerful electromagnetic radiation that enables researchers to study the fundamental properties of matter on a scale not previously possible.

Earlier this year, Lehigh hosted a workshop to kick off the new partnership with NSLS-II. Scientists from NSLS-II presented to more than 60 faculty members, postdoctoral researchers and graduate students, and Lehigh research teams provided user perspective on synchrotron-supported research. Later, a group of 16 Lehigh faculty, graduate students and research scientists visited NSLS-II to gain firsthand understanding of the facility that will help them design appropriate experiments.

"[Brookhaven National Lab] has some of the most advanced tools of materials research anywhere in the world, so it would be natural for us to start partnering with Brookhaven," said Himanshu Jain, the T.L. Diamond Distinguished Chair in Engineering and Applied Science and professor of materials science and engineering. "Our colleagues at Brookhaven have been very receptive. We are very grateful to them."

The announcement of the NSLS-II partnership came just after the university's announcement of the formation of three Interdisciplinary Research Institutes (IRIs). These Institutes, supported by Lehigh's commitment of more than $150 million toward interdisciplinary research and education, will facilitate the growth of research teams and catalyze critical research that will have lasting societal impact. Jain serves as director of one of the three IRIs, the Institute for Functional Materials and Devices (I-FMD).

"Our Institute is an attempt to assemble the faculty, identify our strengths and see how we can make a broad impact on society," said Jain. "We would like to at the same time enhance the quality and the variety of research by the Lehigh faculty and graduate students."

Read the full story in the Summer 2018 Lehigh University Bulletin