Dr. Yuyu Yao '22 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering PhD alum, who was formerly advised by Professor Mayuresh Kothare, has published a 36 page book chapter in the comprehensive "Handbook of Neuroengineering" which was recently released by Springer Nature. 
Yao earned her B.S. in Chemical Engineering at East China University of Science and Technology in Shanghai in 2014, her M.S. in Chemical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh in 2015, and PhD in Chemical Engineering from Lehigh University in 2022.
The chapter is entitled "Models for Closed-Loop Cardiac Control Using Vagal Nerve Stimulation" with co-authors Prof. Mayuresh Kothare and Prof. Nitish Thakor and appears in Part X, pp 2283–2318 of the book that is entitled "Neuromodulation: Spinal and Peripheral".
This "Handbook" provides an authoritative and comprehensive coverage of a vast array of topics and applications in the field of Neuroengineering. The specific chapter that Dr. Yuyu Yao contributed focuses on an assessment of quantitative models available for describing the dynamical behavior of the cardiovascular system, with specific emphasis on use of those models for designing optimized therapeutic neurostimulation in closed-loop. 

Mayuresh V. Kothare
R. L. McCann Professor
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

Yuyu Yao '22 PhD Alum
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering