My research interests are related to: Bio-fluids; bio-inspired engineering; unsteady flows; fluid-structure interactions.
I have specific interests in unsteady fluid mechanics, biological flying and swimming, vortex dynamics, fluid instability, multiple-body fluid interactions/boundary interactions, and active structures/flow control. I also have related interests in marine hydrokinetic and wind turbines.
My research program combines theory, computations and experiments. My group has expertise in developing an in-house unsteady boundary element method to study high Reynolds number unsteady flows with a fast numerical framework. My group also specializes in experimental force and flow measurements. I'm the director of several flow facilities including two low-speed (up to 50 m/s) wind tunnel facilities each with an 18" by 18" test section and two water channel facilities with a 24" by 36" and a 24" by 24" test section, respectively. We have several stereoscopic particle image velocimetry systems, six-axis force/torque sensors and a host of actuators, sensors, controllers, and data acquisition systems.
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