Prof. Rick Blum holds the Robert W. Wieseman Endowed Professorship in Electrical Engineering, is the lead Lehigh PI for our DoE Cybersecurity Center (SEEDs), is the Integrated Networks for Electricity Cluster Director, is director of Lehigh's Signal Processing and Communication Research Lab. and is a former Energy Systems Engineering Institute Director.
His group is making contributions to the foundational theory of machine learning and statistical decision making while illustrating this theory and the related algorithms by employing the application areas of cybersecurity, internet of things, cyberphysical systems, sensor networking, energy networks, communications, radar, and sensor processing.
Prior to joining the Lehigh faculty, he was a senior member of technical staff at General Electric Aerospace and graduated from GE`s Advanced Course in Engineering. He served on the editorial board for the Journal of Advances in Information Fusion of the International Society of Information Fusion. He was an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing and for IEEE Communications Letters. He has edited special issues for IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing and IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. He was a member of the SAM Technical Committee (TC) of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, the Signal Processing for Communications TC of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, and the Communications Theory TC of the IEEE Communication Society.
Prof. Rick Blum is an IEEE Fellow, an IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer, an IEEE Third Millennium Medal winner, and an ONR Young Investigator.
Course Information
ECE 414 - Machine Learning and Statistical Decision Making
ECE 342 Communication Theory
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