Alumni Updates

EE alum named CTO of Bank Leumi

Wed, May 17, 2017
Lehigh electrical engineering alum Martin Droney '91 was named Executive Vice President, Chief Operations & Technology Officer of Bank Leumi. (Photo courtesy Shahar Azran)
Alumni Updates

The long road back to Lehigh

Tue, Feb 7, 2017
 Michael Yonkovig looks towards Packard Lab while sitting outside the Alumni Memorial Building during a campus visit in August. (Photo by Christa Neu / Lehigh University)
Alumni Updates

Lehigh alum named Siemens CEO U.S.

Sun, Dec 11, 2016
Alumni Updates

Martin Faga '63 ‘64G: Engineering intelligence

Mon, Nov 14, 2016
Alumni Updates

Mapping the most important cellular network of all

Tue, Nov 10, 2015
Alumni Updates

Electrical Engineering alum Zoellner dead at 82

Fri, Jan 2, 2015