Clay Naito is a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Lehigh. His research interests include experimental and analytical evaluation of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures subjected to extreme events including earthquakes, tsunamis, and intentional blast demands, and forensic evaluation of buildings and bridges for assessment of remaining service life. He has written extensively on the performance of precast concrete to achieve proper seismic and blast-resistant designs. He has received a number of honors including the 2016 Charles Pankow Award, the 2015 PCI Distinguished Educator Award, the 2012 PCI George D. Nasser Award, 2009 and 2006 PCI Charles C. Zollman Award, and the 2008 PCI Young Educator Award.
Naito is a licensed professional engineer in Pennsylvania and California. He is a member of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute Design Specification Committee and is a past member of PCI Technical Activities Committee and past chair of the PCI Blast Resistance and Structural Integrity Committee. He is currently a member of American Concrete Institute committees 550 and 533 and is a past member of 318 Subcommittee G and past associate member of the ASCE 7-16 Subcommittee on Tsunami Loads and Effects. Professor Naito is an associate editor of the ASCE Bridge Journal.
Teaching and Service
Dr. Naito currently faculty member in the department of civil and environmental engineering and an associated member of the ATLSS Research Center. He teaches courses in Prestressed Concrete, Behavior and Design of Blast Resistant Structures, and Civil Engineering Materials.
Selected Publications
Bischoff, P., Naito, C., Ingaglio, J., “Immediate Deflection of Partially Prestressed Concrete Flexural Members,” ACI Structural Journal, V.115, No.6, November 2018, pp.1683-1693,
Quiel, S., Naito, C., Fallon, C., “A Non-Emulative Moment Connection for Progressive Collapse Resistance in Precast Concrete Building Frames,” Engineering Structures, Vol. 179, 2019, pp.174–188, Submitted May 2018, Published Online November 2018,
Bai, F., Guo, Q., Root, K., Naito, C., Quiel, S., “Blast Vulnerability Assessment of Road Tunnels with Reinforced Concrete Liners,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Manuscript Number: 18-05880, August 2017, Accepted March 2018, Published online September 28, 2018,
Gombeda, M., Naito, C., Quiel, S., “Performance-Based Framework for Evaluating the Flexural Response of Precast Concrete Wall Panels to Blast Loading,” Engineering Structures, Vol. 168, August 2018, pp.473-486, Submitted September 2017, Accepted April 2018,
Hendricks, R., Naito, C., Osborn, A., “Flange to Flange Double Tee Connections Subject to Vehicular Loading: Part 1 – Numerical Assessment Approach,” PCI Journal, Vol.63, No.4, July-Aug, 2018, pp.41-53.
Yuan, H., Weijian, Y., Naito, C., Rui, Z., “Seismic Performance of Precast Concrete Frames with Debonded Reinforcement,” Materials and Structures, Rilem, 51: 47. Submitted January 2018, Accepted March 2018, Published Online: March 2018,
Trasborg, P., Naito, C., Bocchini, P., Olmati, P., “Fragility Analysis for Ballistic Design,” Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol.13, No.9, pp.1105-1116, Sept. 2017, Submitted September 2015, Revision February 2016. Accepted September 2016, Published Online: October 2016,
Piran Aghl, P., Naito, C., Riggs, H., “A Simplified Model for Estimating Axial Impact Forces Resulting from Debris with Nonstructural Mass,” Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol.20, No. 6, pp. 963-975, June 2017, Published online before print September 13, 2016,
Gombeda, M., Trasborg, P., Naito, C., Quiel, S. “Simplified Analytical Model for Partially-Composite Precast Concrete Insulated Wall Panels Subjected to Lateral Loading,” Elsevier Engineering Structures, Accepted January 2017, Print May 2017, Vol. 138, pp. 367-380,
Gombeda, M., Naito, C., Quiel, S., Fallon, C., “Blast-Induced Damage Mapping Framework for Use in Threat Dependent Progressive Collapse Assessment of Building Frames,” ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Vol.31, No.2, April 2017, Submitted February 2016, Accepted June 2016, Published Online: July 2016,
Fallon, C., Quiel, S., Naito, C., “A Uniform Pushdown Approach to Quantifying Building Frame Robustness and the Consequence of Disproportionate Collapse,” ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Vol. 30, No. 6, Dec. 2016, Submitted July 2015, Accepted March 2016, Published Online: June 2016,
Naito, C., Riggs, H.R., Wei, Y., Cercone, C., “Shipping Container Impact Assessment for Tsunamis,” ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Sept. 2016, Vol. 142, No. 5, Submitted November 2015, Accepted April 2016, Published Online: May 2016,
Piran Aghl, P., Naito, C., Riggs, H., “Study of Demands Resulting from Transverse Impact of High Mass, Low Velocity Debris,” Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp.1328-1344, August 2016, Submitted July 2015, Accepted Jan. 2016.,
Zhang, D., Fleischman, R., Naito C., Zhang, Z. “Development of Diaphragm Connector Elements for Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Precast Concrete Structures”, Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp.187-202, Accepted for publication Oct. 2015, Publication Feb. 2016,
Naito, C., Olmati, P., Trasborg, P., Davidson, J., Newberry, C., “Assessment of Insulated Concrete Walls to Close-In Blast Demands,” ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Vol. 29, No. 6, Accepted June 2014, Published Online: September 2014, Published In-Print Dec 2015,
Naito, C., Cetisli, F., Tate, T., “A Method for Quality Assurance of 7-Wire Strand Bond in Portland Cement Concrete,” Journal of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, Vol. 60, No. 4, July – Aug. 2015, pp. 69-84.
Ko, H., Cox, D., Riggs, R., Naito, C., “Hydraulic Experiments on Impact Forces from Tsunami-Driven Debris,” ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 141, No. 3, May 2015, Accepted September 2014, Published online October 2014,, 04014043 (2015 Outstanding Paper Award from Editorial Board of the Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering).
Piran Aghl, P., Naito, C., Riggs, H.R., “Effect of Nonstructural Mass on Debris Impact Demands: Experimental and Simulation Studies,” Elsevier Journal of Engineering Structures, Vol. 88, April 2015, pp. 163–175, Accepted January 2015, Online Feb 2015,
Wan, G., Zhang, D., Fleischman, R. B., Naito, C., “A Coupled Connector Element for Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis of Precast Concrete Diaphragms,” Elsevier Journal of Engineering Structures, Vol. 86, No.1, Mar. 2015 (Accepted Dec. 2014), pp.58-71.
Naito, C., Beacraft, M., Salim, H., Hoemann, J., Shull, J., Bewick, B., “Blast Performance of Single Span Precast Concrete Sandwich Wall Panels,” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering,, Published Online: June 2014.
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