The Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) at Lehigh University is pleased to announce that Mr. Keith Dow has been hired as Business Manager as the result of a competitive search opened in August 2024. He started his term October 16, 2024, during a busy Fall 2024 semester. Our former Business Manager, Christina Reiss, recently took the position of Director of Finance at the Rossin College of Engineering & Applied Science.
Keith Dow earned his BA in International Business and Management from Dickinson College in 2006. He supplemented his degree with international study at Franklin University Switzerland with a focus on banking and economics of the European Union.
Keith Dow began his career working in finance at JP Morgan in New York City as a portfolio manager. As Vice President at BNY Mellon, he managed several economic stabilization programs on behalf of the US Treasury and Federal Reserve Bank of New York, including the TALF and Maiden Lane funds.
Upon pursuing an entrepreneurial venture, Keith Dow founded Digital Markets LLC, an online marketplace for buying and selling businesses. In this capacity, Keith managed the daily operations of the company, including platform development, business development, financing, advertising, and overall digital strategy.
Keith is delighted to join Lehigh University with a mandate to help further the educational and professional mission of Lehigh ISE saying, “As a Bethlehem native, Lehigh University always shone as beacon of excellence on the proverbial—and literal—hill. In returning to my hometown, I’m thrilled to be part of such an illustrious institution and to contribute to the continued success of its ISE Department.”