The Catalysis Club of Philadelphia’s (CCP) Annual Student Poster Session was held on Wednesday, June 8th, 2022, at the Inn at Villanova University, where Christopher Rzepa, ChBE's John C. Chen Endowed Fellow, and Ph.D. Candidate, was named runner up as the Best Poster for his research titled: "Developing data-driven structure-entropy relations for host-guest interactions in siliceous zeolites". Rzepa is mentored by Prof. Srinivas Rangarajan of Lehigh University and Prof. Jeetain Mittal of Texas A&M University.
The competition is an annual event open to undergraduate seniors, graduate, and post-doctoral researchers focusing on any aspect of catalysis science and technology. Presentations are evaluated by a panel of industrial judges to select five posters from the top 10 participants. At this year's competition, 22 poster presentations were given by grad students from U. Delaware, U. Pennsylvania, Penn State University, Drexel University, Princeton University, and Lehigh University. In addition to the academic attendees, many industrial researchers also participated from Air Products, Ecovyst Inc., W.R. Grace, Johnson Matthey, and GE Research Institute.
The Catalysis Club of Philadelphia was founded in 1949 for catalysis researchers to discuss the latest developments in the field of catalysis and holds regular monthly meetings. The CCP strives to foster interactions within the technical community and expose local researchers to cutting edge developments in the field of catalysis. It also holds an annual graduate student poster competition.

CCP poster competition awardees