Interested Lehigh graduate students and faculty are cordially invited to the first in a series of Institute for Functional Materials and Devices (I-FMD) workshops on the availability of advanced experimental techniques and resources.
Workshop: "Realizing cutting-edge materials and biomedical research with synchrotron radiation"
Date: April 9, 2018
Place: Wood Dining Room, Iacocca Hall
Time: 9:00 am - 12:30 pm: Presentations; 1:30-4:00 pm: Exploratory discussions with NSLS-II personnel
Please register by April 4. There is no cost, but an RSVP is required for attendance. Lunch and coffee will be provided. On the registration form, please indicate any meal restrictions.
Why Synchrotron?
Synchrotron-based techniques provide among the most advanced, sometimes unique, tools for both basic and applied physical, chemical and biological characterization of hard and soft materials and devices.
The most advanced synchrotron in the world, the National Synchrotron Light Source-II (NSLS-II) has recently become operational. Built by the Department of Energy at a cost of $912M, it is located at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, just a 3-hour drive from Lehigh.
This cutting-edge equipment is available, free of charge, to support Lehigh research; this I-FMD workshop is a chance for Lehigh research teams to learn more about this technology and its application to their work.
Some of the beamlines at National Synchrotron Light Source-II (NSLS-II), which produce x-rays up to 10,000 times brighter than the previous generation, are still under development. Thus, there is opportunity to not only enhance the outcome of your current projects, but also to participate in shaping the tools of future research within your technical community.
About the Workshop
During the morning session, two leading beamline scientists will introduce the capabilities of NSLS-II, along with illustrative examples of physical, chemical and biological experiments feasible there. Presentations by Lehigh researchers will provide user perspectives upon synchrotron-supported research.
During the afternoon session, ample time will be made available for Lehigh students, postdocs and faculty members to meet one-on-one with beamline scientists to discuss and plan experiments.
Depending on the interest, I-FMD may also plan a field trip to NSLS-II in the near future.
For questions or concerns, please contact:
Institute for Functional Materials and Devices
Lehigh University
Himanshu Jain, Director
Steven McIntosh, Associate Director
March 29, 2018