Members of the CONCISE Laboratory received two out of three total awards
Nazia Raza receives award

PhD students in the InterCONnected Critical Infrastructure Systems Engineering (CONCISE) Laboratory, led by CEE Assistant Professor Farrah Moazeni, won two out of the three awards presented in the Graduate Student Technical Paper Competition at the 2024 ASCE-EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, held May 19-22, in Milwaukee.

Nazia Raza was recognized with the award for the second-best paper for "A Holistic Cybersecurity Framework against False Data Injection Attacks in Smart Water Distribution Systems Employing Auto-Encoders."

Saskia A. Putri receives award

Saskia A. Putri was honored with the award for the third-best paper for "Data Driven System Identification of Water Distribution Systems via Kernel-Based Interpolation."

Each award winner received a $500 check and had their conference registration fees refunded.

"All of our students presented exceptionally well," says Moazeni, "and Nazia and Saskia should be proud to have won these highly competitive awards." 

Members of the CONCISE Lab at the 2024 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, from left: PhD students Nazia Raza, Saskia Putri, and Oluwabunmi Iwakin.

Farrah Moazeni

Faegheh (Farrah) Moazeni, assistant professor, civil and environmental engineering