Student: Ngoc Minh Tri Nguyen (THIRD PLACE)
Project: Learning Image Similarity Manifolds for Materials Microscopy
View: Research Poster (PDF)
Institution: Lehigh University
Major: Materials Science and Engineering
Advisor: Joshua Agar
Instruments of scientific discovery (e.g., electron microscopes, scanning probe microscopes, and others) acquire vast collections of images that contain physical insight. Humans, however, struggle to search and draw correlations from enormous databases of images; thus, only a small fraction of the data collected is translated into knowledge. Researchers need an analytical toolbox that can create an image similarity manifold and allow visual interaction in an informative, comprehensive, and intuitive way. Here, we develop machine learning algorithms to create image similarity projections of microscopy images. We implement pre-trained VGG-16 convolutional neural network optimized on the ImageNet dataset to extract high dimensional features of size [1x1x4096]. We use t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) and Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP), manifold unfolding techniques, to generate interpretable 2D projections of these features. We are currently creating an interactive image viewer where researchers could actively explore the data. While we demonstrate the aptitude of this approach on piezoresponse force microscopy images, this approach is amenable to other forms of microscopy and imaging techniques.
About Tri Nguyen