Thank you to everyone for their support in the 2020 David and Lorraine Freed Undergraduate Research Symposium and to our 13 teams that participated in this year's competition! This year's winners are:
Congratulations to this year's winner, Amanda Ferrante!
Amanda, a Lehigh senior studying Bioengineering, won for her research, "Protease Identification by Combined Fluorescent Zymography and Proteomics."
This year's award winners also included:
Second Place: Madison Gianelle, "A Novel Ceramic Derived Processing Route for Multi-Principal Element Alloys"
Third Place: Ngoc Minh Tri Nguyen, "Learning Image Similarity Manifolds for Materials Microscopy"
Honorable Mention: "Kevin (Dongmin) Kim, Integrating MMP - Cleavable Peptides for Cell - Mediated Degradation of Polymer Scaffolds"