Graduate Degrees offered: Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering;

Materials Science and Engineering (Ph.D.)

Graduate students in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) carry out research which advances current understanding and knowledge in the field, working closely with faculty to conduct research in Lehigh's state-of-the-art nanotech facilities.

Features of the graduate program include:

  • Research thrusts in microstructural characterization, processing and properties of nanomaterials, ceramics, electronic materials and packaging, and metal processing and performance;
  • Interdisciplinary research projects in photonics, polymers, composites, solid free-form and nanoscale fabrication, and materials for bioapplications;
  • Active collaborations with researchers from Europe, South America, Australia, Asia, and the Middle East.


Materials Science and Engineering faculty enjoy close ties with, and support from, industry and government. A recent grant of $4.5 million from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is enabling Lehigh, Carnegie Mellon University, and the University of Pittsburgh to offer the nation's premier Web-based graduate and professional courses in Materials Science and Engineering, and to expand and enhance the three schools' characterization and microscopy facilities.

Sponsors of Research Projects

Research in the Materials Science and Engineering department is sponsored by NSF, NASA, the Office of Naval Research, the U.S. Department of Energy, the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, and many industrial partners.

Affiliated Lehigh Research Centers, Laboratories and Institutes

Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Science: Meet a Student or Advisor


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 • Meet with a grad student
 • Meet with an advisor

Graduate Funding

Prospective Rossin College graduate students have access to a variety of financial support, both internal and external, to cover or defray the costs of graduate education. | LEARN MORE >>

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Lehigh University
5 East Packer Avenue
Bethlehem, PA 18015-3195
Phone: (610) 758-4222

E-mail: MSE Coordinator

More Information: Graduate Admissions

Apply Now: Application for Admission