Leading beyond the lab
ChBE doctoral candidate Myeongyeon Lee recognized for his contributions to Lehigh’s engineering graduate student community

CONCISE Lab honors
Lehigh PhD students Nazia Raza and Saskia Putri win awards presented at the 2024 ASCE-EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress.

Bridging the divide
Master's student Mark Schafer ’20 ’22G found his calling by combining his passions for electrical engineering and bioengineering

Video: Using robots to help people
Research by computer science and engineering PhD students Jiawei Xu and Diego Salazar D'Antonio involves using robots to manipulate objects without human intervention, with the ultimate goal of helping humanity perform a range of tasks.

A teacher-scholar in training
MechE doctoral student Anh Hung “Peter” Nguyen '18 '19G successfully juggles research and TA responsibilities as he sets his sights on a future in higher ed

Computer engineering master’s student sets her course to Tesla Energy
First-generation college student Marta Kasica-Soltan ’21 ’22G says Lehigh’s supportive professors and anything-is-possible atmosphere helped her find her niche in software engineering.

'Data science is my superpower'
CSE doctoral student Zhiyu Chen will apply the specialized skills he developed at Lehigh when he joins Amazon’s Alexa Shopping team after graduation.

Video: Better characterizing the healing process of fractured limbs
Jordan Inacio '11 '12G '17G is a fourth-year PhD student in mechanical engineering. His research utilizes a unique computational approach to improve clinical healing outcomes for bone fracture patients.
Nitride synthesis for GaN single-crystal growth
Florian Metzger, a fifth-year PhD student in Lehigh’s MATS (Materials for Advanced Technology & Sustainability) Group, will conduct nitride synthesis research from a new perspective. Could perfecting the growth of single-crystal boules change the future of electronics?

Modeling the ‘perfect’ mentor
As a first-generation college student, Karen Vazquez is determined to show young Latinas that they belong in the field of civil engineering. Vazquez is part of Lehigh’s Pasteur Partners PhD (P3) Fellowship program.

Video: Enhancing wound repair
Chemical and biomolecular engineering doctoral student John McGlynn explains how he's using a technique called microrheology to enhance wound repair and tissue regeneration.

Online privacy: In algorithms we trust?

Video: Learning from owls to design quieter aircraft
John Kershner, a second-year PhD student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, is researching owl-inspired aeroacoustics to design mechanisms that may one day help planes fly with less noise.

Video: Using 3D printing to repair damaged cartilage
John Tolbert '18, a fourth-year PhD student in polymer science and engineering, explains how he uses 3D printing to create scaffolds that may one day help regenerate damaged knee tissue.

Video: Engineering an alternative energy source
Research on tidal turbines by mechanical engineering PhD students Cong Han and Christopher Ruhl may someday help tidal energy become a viable source of renewable power.

Video: Improving disease diagnosis
Caroline Ferguson, a fourth-year BioE PhD student, talks about her research into improving the diagnosis of both cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome, and the very personal reason that motivates her work.

Leveraging machine learning in advanced semiconductor design
Onoriode Ogidi-Ekoko ’15 ’16G was 5,400 miles from Nigeria when he defended his doctoral dissertation in electrical engineering, but he's right at home discussing his research into power electronics—work that could lead to compact, faster power conversion devices.

Designing faster, more efficient ways to process data
Amanda Baran ’21 started her master’s research in computer science and engineering during her senior year as a Computer Science and Business major. Today, she's working on next-generation distributed synchronization protocols so that online consumers can get what they want, when they want it.

Capacity for success
The next step in Carol Obando-Derstine’s professional journey from the public sector to the power industry? A master’s degree in Energy Systems Engineering from Lehigh University.

Med Student, Engineer, Innovator
Lehigh master’s degree in Healthcare Systems Engineering gave him the knowledge, skills, and mindset to turn Jared Dashevsky's problem-solving ideas into startups, while on the path to medical school

Pivoting through the crowd
Technical Entrepreneurship alum Nick Yarnall '20 takes his crowd-management technology in a new direction during the pandemic

Bioengineering Graduate Q&A: Swetha Chandrasekar
Bioengineering PhD candidate talks cell-material interactions, Lehigh graduate student life, and more

Going solar
Lehigh’s Energy Systems Engineering master’s program helped environmental engineer Sarah Conde ’15 M.Eng. flip the switch on new career with commercial solar developer

Off to a running start
Lehigh’s professional master’s program in Technical Entrepreneurship helped student-athlete Hannah Leskow ’18 ’19 M.Eng. turn a personal hurdle into a business venture in less than a year

Tapping into a powerful network
A professional master’s in Energy Systems Engineering gave David Reino ’16 ’17 M.Eng. the technical knowledge, leadership skills, and industry connections to land a job at a major utility—months before graduation.

An unexpected engineer
Studying Healthcare Systems Engineering as a grad student propelled pharma consultant Zara Ali Ahmad ’16 ’18 M.Eng. into a fast-paced profession she’d never considered

Learning by taking the leap
International student Hansen Liang ’19 M.Eng. changed his trajectory—aligning his career path with his passions—through Lehigh’s Technical Entrepreneurship professional master’s program

The rules of the 'game'
David Bougard ’14 ’19 M.Eng. took his business instincts to the next level with a professional master’s degree in Technical Entrepreneurship

A hands-on head start
A 10-month investment in Lehigh’s Structural Engineering professional master’s program gave Lisa Vienckowski ’12 M.Eng. the skills and confidence to think big

Scaling up
Vincent Antes ’08 ’09 M.Eng. turned his childhood interest into career reality with a professional master’s degree in Structural Engineering from the Rossin College

The skyline’s the limit
With the tools he gained at Lehigh, Structural Engineering professional master’s grad Andrew Moss ’11 ’12 M.Eng. seizes an early-career opportunity to take on a towering Manhattan project

Charting an optimal path
Healthcare Systems Engineering professional master’s alum Michael Kimball ’13 M.Eng. helps hospitals model data to increase efficiency and provide better care

PhD candidate wins support from professional society
Society for Experimental Mechanics scholarship is a "premier distinction" for structural engineering researcher Soheil Sadeghi Eshkevari.

A big win at PCI's 2019 Big Beam Contest
Structural engineering graduate students Aerik Carlton, Maximilian Beedle, and Mike Drury earned top honors at the 2019 Engineering Student Design Competition held by the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute.

Savoring the spice of entrepreneurial life
Zaffrus products—the brainchild of Technical Entrepreneurship master's alum Ali Almasi '16 M.Eng.—integrate saffron in innovative ways, from teas and honey to facial cream.

Award-winning research on deep neural networks
Work by computer science doctoral student Youshan Zhang recognized with best student paper award at 2019 Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC).

A cool, clean legacy
Lehigh water filtration tech builds momentum through socially conscious entrepreneurship

ChBE researcher shines in competition
Anisha Chakrabarti '17G PhD awarded for presentation at annual Grad Student Poster Competition

Designing composite materials for wear performance
PhD candidate Xiu Jia wins prize in student poster competition at international mechanical engineering exhibition

Optimizing tomorrow's smart cities
ISE student Jie Liu's IBM PhD Fellowship pursues machine learning for power systems and data analytics

Strandwitz Group researcher earns PhD
Materials Science and Engineering's Ling Ju is first doctoral grad to come from the group