Mission for the Program

The CSE department’s mission for its Computer Science programs is to provide its students with a strong education in mathematics, science, and computer science fundamentals and to prepare them to be able to adapt to future changes in the practice of Computer Science.

Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science will:

  1. Apply their education in computer science to the analysis and solution of scientific, business, and industrial problems.
  2. Account for ethical and social issues when solving scientific, business, and industrial problems.
  3. Function effectively in a collaborative team and effectively communicate with members of the team.
  4. Engage in continued education in their field of expertise.
  5. Attain positions of leadership in their chosen field.

This program of 120 credit hours is intended for students who desire a strong liberal arts program with a concentration in computer science. The program contains the fundamentals of computer science, including algorithms, structured programming, data structures, programming languages, and software engineering. See the distribution requirements of the College of Arts & Science



Total required credit hours: 120

Required Computer Science courses (35 credit hours):

CSE 003 Introduction to Programming, Part A (2) AND CSE 004 Introduction to Programming, Part B (2)

OR CSE 007 Introduction to Programming (4) - Change to CSE intro sequence: CSE 003, 004 and 007

CSE 017 Programming and Data Structures (3)

CSE 109 Systems Software (4)

CSE 140 Foundations of Discrete Structures and Algorithms (3)

CSE 216 Software Engineering (3)

CSE 262 Programming Languages (3)

CSE 340 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (3)

Approved CSE Electives (12)

Required Math courses (11 credit hours):

MATH 21  Calculus I (4)

MATH 22  Calculus II (4)

MATH 43 Survey of Linear Algebra (3) or MATH 205 Linear Methods or MATH 242 Linear Algebra

The student has some flexibility in choosing the sequence of courses, because many of the courses are offered every semester.  For a list of all CSE courses and when they are offered, and for a suggested sequence of courses to satisfy the major requirements, see  When courses are offered.