Cristian-Ioan Vasile joined Lehigh University's Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics in the fall of 2019 as an Assistant Professor. Vasile was a postdoctoral associate with Sertac Karaman and Daniela Rus in the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS) and the Distributed Robotics Laboratory, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
He obtained his Ph.D. in 2016 from the Division of Systems Engineering at Boston University, where he worked with Calin Belta in the Hybrid and Networked Systems (HyNeSs) Group of the BU Robotics Laboratory. He earned his B.S. degree in Computer Science in 2009, a M.Eng. in Intelligent Control Systems in 2011, and a second Ph.D. in Systems Engineering in 2015, all from the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, Politehnica University of Bucharest.
Vasile's research interests include formal methods, motion and path planning, distributed and decentralized control, machine learning with applications to robotics, and networked systems and systems biology.
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