BioE Student Spotlight: Grace Duke

Grace Duke

Where are you from/where is your hometown?
Carmel, New York

What degree type are you pursuing?
BS Bioengineering

What is your specialization, OR, do you have any other majors/minors?
Biopharmaceutical Engineering and Supply Chain Management Minor

Are you involved in any bioengineering related organizations (both inside or outside of Lehigh)? 
BMES (Biomedical Engineering Society, Club), SWE (Society of Women Engineers), RJF (Rossin Junior Fellow)

Why did you decide to come to Lehigh University?
I really loved how Lehigh offered so many chances to explore different areas, not just within my major. It was reassuring knowing that I wasn't boxed into one path because of my major. I could join clubs, dive into research, and pursue whatever caught my interest, whether or not it was related to what I was studying.


Why did you decide to study bioengineering?
I chose bioengineering because, like many other engineers, I had a passion for science and math during high school, particularly chemistry and biology. To solidify my decision, I took ENGR050 and explored various engineering disciplines, which helped me confirm my interest in bioengineering. It opened my eyes to the wide range of possibilities within this major and all the exciting opportunities ahead. Additionally, witnessing the diverse impacts of medications and medical devices on those around me heightened my interest with bioengineering and its implications for people's lives.

What do you want to be/do after you graduate and how will this degree help you get there?
During this summer, I'll be interning at Merck, doing vaccine manufacturing. I hope to gain valuable insights and skills during this experience, laying the groundwork for a career in manufacturing within the pharmaceutical industry. My studies in biopharmaceutical engineering, coupled with a minor in supply chain management, will equip me with a solid understanding of both the engineering and logistical aspects crucial to manufacturing. A few years after graduating, my goal is to pursue an MBA and transition into the business side of the pharmaceuticals.

Share a good experience/memory with a faculty/staff member/peers/or class within bioengineering:
Professor Niels Holten-Anderson is not only my faculty advisor but also a professor I deeply admire. His influence during my time at Lehigh has been undeniably positive. Our advising sessions, which often turn into life's deeper discussions, are experiences I have always enjoyed.  Niels consistently provides encouragement and insightful guidance, making him not just a mentor but a big supporter of mine.

Share a fun fact (or two, or three) about yourself!
I was able to travel to Sierra Leone for Lehigh's Global Social Impact Fellowship program.
I have two ginger cats

What words of wisdom do you have for current or future students of bioengineering at Lehigh?
I believe it is so important for both current and future students to avoid limiting themselves based on any factor you may see as limiting. Don't hesitate to reach out to professors about research opportunities, develop friendships in your classes, and explore various clubs. While it may be challenging as a first-year student to break out of your comfort zone, putting yourself out there can lead to invaluable self-discovery, uncovering your interests, and providing opportunities that might otherwise be missed.

Anything else you would like to share:
The BioE program has introduced me to some of my best friends at Lehigh!