BioE Student Spotlight: Michael Ciliberti


Michael Ciliberti

Where are you from/where is your hometown?
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

What degree type are you pursuing?
BS Bioengineering

What is your specialization, OR, do you have any other majors/minors?
Pre Medicine

Are you involved in any bioengineering related organizations (both inside or outside of Lehigh)? If so, please specify.
BioE 025 TA for the Fall (2024) Semester, RJF (Rossin Junior Fellow)

Why did you decide to come to Lehigh University?
Growing up I had always been interested in attending Lehigh and had heard from many how much the school has to offer. My grandfather, a proud alumni of Lehigh, had always shared the great experiences he gained and the love he had for the school. Though he never had the experience to know I was committed to Lehigh, I know he would have been very happy and proud of my choice. I knew that if I went to Lehigh I would gain the same experiences he had and touch as many people as he did.

Why did you decide to study bioengineering?
I have always been very creative and inventive and used these skills to adapt and improve my own life. All throughout high school I had been interested in studying engineering and wanted to gain the best hands on experience at the right university. I have a passion for mechanics and biology and knew that bioengineering with a focus on mechanics and materials was the perfect major for my skills and interests.

What do you want to be/do after you graduate and how will this degree help you get there?
After graduation I plan to continue my education at Lehigh by getting my Masters degree and attend Med School. With the help of all my professors and peers, my five years at Lehigh will teach me everything I need to excel in my future occupation and prepare me for what life has to offer.

Share a good experience/memory with a faculty/staff member/peers/or class within bioengineering:
Having now taken two classes with Prof. Seabra I have experienced her genuine care and consideration of all her students. She works very hard in encouraging her students to excel in the classroom. Knowing how busy college can get, she still manages to create and maintain a perfect classroom environment while exploring a tough curriculum. 

Share a fun fact (or two, or three) about yourself!
For fun I love to ski and skateboard around campus. I also have a passion for music and am studying jazz at the university.

What words of wisdom do you have for current or future students of bioengineering at Lehigh?
"You only have one chance to make a first impression." - Judge Judy Sheindlin, so make the most out of every opportunity you have.
