The annual Rossin College Awards ceremony was held on Monday, May 6, 2024, in the Iacocca Wood Dining Hall to celebrate the achievements and dedication of the College faculty and staff who support research and educational excellence across Lehigh's engineering community. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (ChBE) had two faculty award recipients this year from their department. 

Angela Brown: Outstanding Doctoral Student Advising Award
This award recognizes a Rossin college faculty member who has a strong commitment to the doctoral education and provides excellent support and mentorship to doctoral students they work with. Current doctoral students are strongly encouraged to submit nominations for this award when their advisors are doing an exceptional job.
Prof. Brown was celebrated with the award by two of her current doctoral students, Joe Moran and Meishan Wu, on behalf of the college. In the words of both "Above all her support and achievements shared in countless meetings, the most significant experience has been the way Dr. Brown weaves engineering and scientific brilliance with benevolence and care for others. She has been an inspirational force, and an unwavering source of encouragement." "Dr. Brown is truly a professional role model and has inspired me to be the kind of researcher and mentor I am aiming to become. I could not have asked for a better advisor."
Last year, Brown was the recipient of the college's Interdisciplinary Research Excellence Award.
James Gilchrist: Experiential Learning Excellence
This award recognizes a Rossin college faculty member who has successfully utilized experiential learning activities to engage and prepare their students. Faculty honored with this award will have prompted new levels of creativity and innovative thinking from students and helped them gain a deeper understanding of open-ended, real-world problem-solving.
Prof. GIlchrist "creates experiential opportunities for numerous students across campus, particularly through (1) his Coffee and Cosmetics (CHE 001) course, (2) his commitment to undergraduate research, and (3) his creative approach to outreach efforts, which all collectively show how deserving he is of this award." One of his current undergraduate researchers and advisees gives extra credit to Prof. Gilchrsit for "being so involved and invested with the students. He helps us find focus and prepare for a comfortable transition from the academic world to industry."

Congratulations to ChBE and all 2024 award winners! Learn more about the other recognitions. 

Associate Professor
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

Ruth H. and Sam Madrid Professor
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering