Moreover, Karmel has reached the finalist level of the 2022 Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG) Forum Paper Competition of INFORMS. The paper awarded was M. Y. Tsang and K. S. Shehadeh, Convex fairness measures: Theory and optimization, co-authored with her PhD student Man Yiu (Tim). This was an extremely competitive award with 42 applicants and only 6 finalists. Karmel was also a finalist for the 2022 Service Science Best Cluster Paper Award of INFORMS.
Karmel was elected as a Director of Operations Research Division of the IISE for 2021-2023. Her work as a peer reviewer has been recognized by the prestigious journals INFORMS Journal on Computing (IJOC Meritorious Reviewers 2021) and Transportation Science (2022 Meritorious Service Award). Professor Shehadeh was featured in a recent article of Lehigh’s Engineering Resolve Magazine, covering her research on optimization under uncertainty, mixed-integer programming, and scheduling theory and algorithms, and its applications in healthcare operations and analytics. Click for Resolve Magazine article.