Interested in a Master’s degree from the department of Materials Science and Engineering from Lehigh University? Both M.S. and M.Eng. degrees are offered. Students who elect a summer 2021 start may be eligible for a 3-credit tuition waiver. The degree can be completed in one year (Summer 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022). 


In summer 2021, the following classes are offered online through the MSE department. 

  • MAT 309: Composite Materials (Professor Ray Pearson, full term)
  • MAT 326/426: Biomimetic & Bio-Enabled Materials (Professor Sabrina Jedlicka, second session)
  • MAT 483: Emulsion Polymers (Professor Eric Daniels, full term)
  • MAT 487: Adhesion and Adhesive Technology (Professor Ray Pearson, full term)


There are also many other online graduate level engineering classes offered through other departments which may be applied towards your degree. *


 Summer 2021 Admissions:

  • Application deadline: April 15, 2021 (last day for web registration May 26, 2021
  • Summer full term: May 25 - August 12, 2021
  • Summer second session: July 6 - August 12, 2021


Fall 2021 Admissions:

The application deadline for fall admission into the MSE Master’s program is July 1, while international students are strongly recommended to apply by April 15 for fall admission to allow enough time for visa applications to be processed. 


Students can choose a Certificate in Nanotechnology and/or Polymer Science and Engineering. Potential Master's students can use the Certificate Path to get a jump start on a Master's degree by taking courses towards the completion of the Certificates (actual admission into one of these Master's programs can follow in due course).


If you have any questions about the programs or the application process, reach out to Graduate Coordinator Lisa Arechiga (


* Please note - this remission will only apply to courses taken in the Rossin College, not courses taken in CAS, COB, COE, or COH.