On November 16, 2022, Arup K SenGupta, P.C. Rossin Professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, delivered a "Leading Edge Lecture" in the University of Toronto's Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry. Lectures at the Leading Edge an exclusive program that invites selected speakers envisioning the future of chemical engineering. The lecture was co-hosted with the Institute of Water Innovation (IWI) in the University of Toronto.

SenGupta's lecture was titled "From Mitigating Climate Change to Enhancing Access to Safe Water: Unmet Global Challenges and Role of Chemical Engineering." The lecture was attended by nearly 100 people including graduate students, faculty, undergraduates, and external visitors.

SenGupta is a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and recipient of 2009 AIChE's Lawrence K Cecil Environmental Division Award for his outstanding contributions in the field of environmental engineering. His life-long contributions in environmental science and engineering were recognized and honored by his colleagues and former students in an ACS Symposium in the Spring National Meeting in 2022 in San Diego. In 2012, SenGupta was the recipient of Intel Environmental Award from the Silicon Valley for inventing "technology benefiting humanity."

Arup K. SenGupta

Arup K. SenGupta is P.C. Rossin Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Lehigh University.