Chemical engineering alum, a director in Regulatory Chemistry and Manufacturing Controls at Pfizer Inc., has served on DAC since 2017

Chemical engineering alumna Christine (Chris) Seymour ’89 ’21P ’25P has been appointed as the vice chair of the Dean’s Advisory Council (DAC) of the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science, effective immediately.

Seymour has been a member of the DAC since 2017 and previously served as the chair of the advisory council for the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. As DAC vice chair, she is also the council’s chair-elect and will begin a two-year term as DAC chair on July 1, 2021, as the current chair, Kathleen Taylor ’87, completes her term.

Seymour is a director in Regulatory Chemistry and Manufacturing Controls at Pfizer Inc., where she leads regulatory strategy and implementation for a portfolio of biological projects across all phases of drug development and commercialization. She has led the regulatory strategy for products such as Xalkori, Xanax, and Viagra. Previously, she led chemical process development research teams at Pharmacia Corporation and at G.D. Searle for products such as Celebrex and Inspra.

She previously served on the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Board of Directors and was the 2018 AIChE president. She serves on the Society of Biological Engineering Board of Directors and was the founding chair of the AIChE Pharmaceutical Discovery Development and Manufacturing Forum.

Seymour was elected as an AIChE Fellow in 2011 (the youngest member ever elected fellow) and received the AIChE Epstein Award for Technical Programming in 2012.

The Dean's Advisory Council is the external consultative group supporting the dean of the Rossin College. It serves a vital role in linking the college's strategic objectives and activities with the interests of external constituents and industry groups. The EAC is made up of alumni, professionals, and experts who provide strategic guidance to the college across a spectrum of issues and challenge areas. Its members are invaluable sources of knowledge, ideas and contacts, and serve as ambassadors for Lehigh.