Xiu Yang obtained his PhD in Applied Mathematics from Brown University in 2014. Before coming to Lehigh, he spent five years at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), first as a postdoctoral researcher (2014-2016) and then as a research staff member (2016-2019). He received an Outstanding Performance Award from PNNL for two consecutive years (2015 and 2016).
His research has been centered around modern scientific computing including uncertainty quantification, multi-scale modeling, physics-informed machine learning, and data-driven scientific discovery. Xiu has been applying his methods on various research areas such as fluid dynamics, hydrology, biochemistry, soft material, climate modeling, energy storage, and power grid system. Currently, he is focusing on quantum computing algorithms for scientific computing. “This award will allow us to develop new uncertainty quantification methods for quantum computing and build the foundation of a “quantum numerical analysis” framework from a probabilistic perspective.” says Xiu Yang.