GOAL #2: Provide a welcoming, inclusive, and nurturing environment conducive to attracting and retaining a diverse group of individuals
Task: Develop Rossin College strategies for retention in collaboration with the corresponding university offices, and encourage faculty, staff, and students to participate in retention activities already present at the university level
Metric: Perform annual analysis of retention for faculty, staff, and students
Baseline 2021: No college-specific retention strategies in place. However, ADVANCE has a lot of retention strategies already developed.
One-Year Target: Build database on existing efforts and activities in this space. Combine it with college-specific efforts, developed if necessary, and achieve 90% engagement among faculty, students, and staff.
Initiative Leader(s): Rossin College Associate Dean for Faculty Development, Dean’s Student Council, Rossin College Director of Administration, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, ADVANCE Program Directors
Task: Organize and implement a Rossin College specific annual DEI workshop for deans, department chairs, and program directors
Metric: Keep track of attendance for workshops
Baseline 2021: No regularly organized workshops by the Rossin College. University workshops exist, but do not necessarily address college-specific needs.
One-Year Target: College-specific workshop held annually with 100% participation. Evaluate methods to increase attendance for university-organized workshops within three months.
Initiative Leader(s): Rossin College Associate Dean for Faculty Development, ADVANCE Program Directors
Task: Implement an online diversity education course for faculty and staff
Metric: Keep track of attendance for diversity courses
Baseline 2021: No specific online diversity online education course in place. However, a lot of other related resources are available through the university.
One-Year Target: Identify available diversity courses to be offered online; enroll and ensure 100% participation by 2023
Initiative Leader(s): Rossin College Associate Dean for Faculty Development, ADVANCE Program Directors
Task: Support recruiting and retention process of minority students in Greer Scholars program
Metric: Perform annual analysis of recruitment and retention of Greer Scholars. Specifically, look at the number of Greer Scholars who stay at Lehigh, as well as those who remain in the Rossin College for the duration of their studies.
Baseline 2021: Department representatives and Associate Deans of Faculty Development and Academic Affairs attend monthly Greer Scholar meetings
One-Year Target: Investigate possibilities to engage more faculty in this process. Implement proposed ideas and evaluate their effectiveness in improving Greer Scholars recruitment and retention.
Initiative Leader(s): Rossin College Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Dean’s Student Council, Rossin College Associate Dean for Faculty Development
Task: Support recruiting and retention process of GEM Fellows
Metric: Perform annual analysis of GEM program results (recruiting and retention) in Rossin College
Baseline 2021: Enrolled in the GEM consortium in 2018-19 school year. In 2019-20 school year, Rossin College had 10 applicants; five students received offers in our doctoral programs, and two students accepted the offers.
One-Year Target: Working with university-level GEM program, develop recruiting and retention procedure, processes, and best practices. Implement and annually evaluate their effectiveness. Target 3x improvement in recruitment and retention of GEM Fellows.
Initiative Leader(s): Deputy Vice President for Equity and Community and Associate Provost for Academic Diversity, Rossin College Representatives in Graduate Student Senate, Rossin College Associate Dean for Faculty Development
Task: Seek and secure private and federal funding that includes commitments to the academic and professional advancement of underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students and faculty
Metric: Perform annual analysis of the results (both applications and awarded grants)
Baseline 2021: Isolated efforts
One-Year Target: Develop and implement college- and department- level efforts focused in this direction. Annually provide list of funding opportunities to department chairs. Analyze the number of applications in the past two years and target 3x improvement in the next five years.
Initiative Leader(s): Rossin College Dean, Rossin College Department Chairs, Rossin College Associate Deans
Task: Implement a faculty/staff/student exit survey and use the results to identify issues and opportunities for continuous improvement
Metric: Surveys administered at college level for faculty and staff. Departments to apply DEI questions as a part of their senior exit interview process.
Baseline 2021: Rudimentary faculty exit rubric in place. Individual departments run undergraduate senior student exit surveys. DEI questions not asked of students in a systematic way.
One-Year Target: Develop faculty/ staff/student exit survey; share anonymized results with the DEI Council and department chairs; and implement changes. Candidates will be informed beforehand how the survey will be utilized.
Initiative Leader(s): Rossin College Associate Deans, Rossin College Director of Administration, Dean’s Student Council
Task: Provide support for academic clubs, teams, and organizations that develop and/or conduct activities addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion
Metric: Provide annual report on the overall funding level
Baseline 2021: Some support provided on case-by-case basis
One-Year Target: Systematically support clubs, teams, and organizations with this platform; regular reports from supported groups addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion will be required
Initiative Leader(s): Rossin College Dean
Task: Provide support for URM-focused summer research undergraduate programs
Metric: Provide annual report on the overall funding level
Baseline 2021: Some support provided on case-by-case basis
One-Year Target: Systematically support selected summer undergraduate programs with this platform
Initiative Leader(s): Rossin College Dean
Task: Provide handicapped access in engineering buildings that do not have it yet, whenever possible
Metric: Provide annual report on the engineering buildings’ accessibility
Baseline 2021: Access available in some buildings, but not others
One-Year Target: Enable the access wherever possible within two years
Initiative Leader(s): Rossin College Dean, Rossin College Facility Manager
Task: Request from all engineering faculty diversity and inclusion statements that highlight steps taken/to be taken to improve/ensure an inclusive and equitable environment for research and learning
Metric: Conduct annual survey among students and faculty to evaluate satisfaction with the learning and research environment in the college
Baseline 2021: No diversity statements in existence
One-Year Target: Use the execution of this individual plan as part of the annual performance evaluation of the faculty. Verify with the chairs that statements are put into practice.
Initiative Leader(s): Rossin College Dean, Rossin College Department Chairs
Rossin College Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council
Svetlana Tatic-Lucic, Associate Dean for Faculty Development (Chair)
Shalinee Kishore, Diversity Champion, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Bob Storer, Diversity Champion, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kelly Schultz, Diversity Champion, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Xuanhong Cheng, Diversity Champion, Department of Bioengineering
Justin Jaworski, Diversity Champion, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
Lesley Chow, Diversity Champion, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Kristen Jellison, Diversity Champion, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; ADVANCE Faculty Director
Mark Erle, Diversity Champion, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Additional Acknowledgments
Steve DeWeerth, Dean, P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science
Marci Levine-Morefeld, ADVANCE Program Director