Advanced Placement

You can find a complete description of Lehigh University's Advanced Placement (AP) policy in the Lehigh University Catalog. However, please note decisions to award credit are reviewed annually and are subject to change.
For the most current information for 2021-22, please consult the Advanced Placement (AP) Tests section under the General Registration Information section of the First-Year Student Enrollment website. This site will be live May 18, 2021.
College Board Advanced Placement Examinations-Quick Tips

  • What score do I need for credit? We award credit and placement for scores of 4 or 5 on AP exams.
  • How do I send scores? Use the Lehigh University code 002365. If you have not taken AP exams yet, you can list our code on your answer sheet for Lehigh to receive your scores. If you have taken AP exams already, log onto your College Board account and use the “Send Scores to Colleges Now” button to get started.
  • When do I send scores? NOW! Do not wait to receive your results to have them sent to Lehigh. A delay in reporting will delay your course placement and registration. There is no disadvantage to reporting scores lower than 4.
  • All scores must be received before the student has achieved sophomore standing (24 credits) for credit to be awarded.

Some departments offer Anticipatory Exams during First-Year Student Orientation as noted on the Department list for AP credit. More information is to come on the Office of First Year Experience’s website or you can email them at by the date given on the First-Year Student Portal if interested in taking an Anticipatory Exam.

Transfer Credit

Please see the First-Year Student Enrollment website for the Transfer Credit Process for incoming students.