ABET Accreditation

Diagram of Courses and Prerequisites

Sample Course Sequence

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree programs are available to students through either the College of Arts and Sciences or the P. C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science. The two programs are accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org/. The two programs are identical in the fundamental requirements in mathematics and computer science, and the programs are appropriate for entry into management or industrial positions. They are also appropriate for continued graduate study, though students considering graduate study are strongly encouraged to consider taking part in a research project during their junior year. The two BS programs differ in their non-computer science content in that the students must fulfill the distribution requirements of the respective colleges. The required courses for the degrees contain the fundamentals of discrete mathematics, structured programming, algorithms, computer architectures, operating systems, and programming languages. A strong foundation in mathematics is required.



Total required credit hours: 130

Required Computer Science courses (34 credits)

CSE 003 Introduction to Programming, Part A (2) AND CSE 004 Introduction to Programming, Part B (2)

OR CSE 007 Introduction to Programming (4) - Change to CSE intro sequence: CSE 003, 004 and 007

CSE 17 Programming and Data Structures (3)

CSE 109 Systems Software (4)

CSE 140 Foundations of Discrete Structures and Algorithms (3)

CSE 202 Computer Organization and Architecture (3)

CSE 216 Software Engineering (3)

CSE 262 Programming Languages (3)

CSE 280 Capstone Project I (3)**

CSE 281 Capstone Project II (3)**

CSE 303 Operating System Design (3)

CSE 340 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (3)

Required Math and Science courses (36 credits):

CHM 30 Introductory Chemical Principles and Laboratory (4)
ENGR 10 Applied Engineering Computer Methods (2)
ENGR 5 Introduction to Engineering Practice (2)
MATH 21  Calculus I (4)
MATH 22 Calculus II (4)
MATH 23 Calculus III (4)
MATH 205 Linear Methods (3)
MATH 231 Probability & Statistics (3)
PHY 11 Introductory Physics I and PHY 12 Introductory Physics Laboratory I (5)
PHY 21 Introductory Physics II and PHY 22 Introductory Physics Laboratory II (5)

Required approved electives (21 credits):

15 credit hours of CSE courses. Any CSE course of 200-level or above unless explicitly excluded by the department. The department highly recommends that students give focus to their approved electives by following one of the tracks listed in the department website listed here.

An additional 6 credit hours in area of science and technology (i.e. any engineering or natural science course), chosen by the student with the approval of the student’s advisor.

Humanities and Social Science (HSS) requirements (30 credits):

ENGL 1 Composition and Literature (3)
ENGL 2 Composition and Literature II (3)
ECO 1 Principles of Economics (4)

CSE 252 Computers, Internet and Society (3)

An additional 17 credit hours of HSS courses that satisfy the Engineering College “breadth and depth” requirements.

Free Electives (9 credit hours)

The student has some flexibility in choosing the sequence of courses, because many of the courses are offered every semester.  For a list of all CSE courses and when they are offered, and for suggested sequences of courses to satisfy the degree requirements, see  When courses are offered.

**Those students in the IBE program looking to receive a second degree of B.S. in computer science, should consult with their advisor. The IBE program has its own capstone project and to waive the CS required capstone, students must show their current IBE project is technical and involve a programming aspect.