George E. Kane Manufacturing Technology Laboratory
Automation and Robotics Laboratory
Director of Manufacturing Technology Lab: Gregory L. Tonkay, Ph.D.
Director of Automation Robotics Lab: Derya Pamukcu, Ph.D.
The George E. Kane Manufacturing Technology Laboratory is named for Professor George Kane who established the laboratory in 1957. It focuses on equipment, work systems, machinery, and automation systems for today’s manufacturing environment. Its purpose is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire hands-on experience in the use of engineering equipment, systems, and tools. Current and recent research projects in the lab include the machinability of powder metal parts, studies of several nontraditional machining processes, creep feed grinding, and rapid prototyping. This lab is home to the Baja Race Car.
The Automation and Robotics Laboratory, established in 1981, contains industrial robots used for various applications. A flexible automation cell is also a focus of the laboratory. Research aspects include the intelligent control of discrete event dynamic systems as well as issues related to intelligent robots. Such research is directed to solving real world problems.
Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) Computer Lab
The ISE Computer Lab in Mohler 121 is a state-of-the-art lab with 38 all-in-one workstations. This computational modeling and visualization facility allows faculty to teach classes that include visualization, computing and simulation. This includes classes such as IE 316/426 Optimization Models and Applications, IE 112 Computer Graphics, IE 305 Simulation and IE 447 Financial Optimization.
Computer Lab in Mohler 444
ISE's second computer lab has 17 workstations. It is available in Mohler Lab room 444. Students use this lab to work on papers, to check e-mail and Course Site, and work on group presentations and projects.
Computational Optimization Research at Lehigh Lab (COR@L)
Director: Ted K. Ralphs, Ph.D.
The Computational Optimization Research at Lehigh Lab, or COR@L, aims at promoting and conducting graduate-level research, primarily in the areas that lie at the interface of optimization and high-performance computing. Research conducted at the COR@L lab in recent years has focused on cutting edge optimization theory and development of several open source optimization software.
The lab brings together faculty and graduate students aimed at establishing a multi-disciplinary research agenda. Research findings are disseminated through refereed publications, national and international conferences, and scholarly presentations.
This lab was donated by Dr. Gary and Marian Whitehouse ’60, ’62G.