Held annually, this year’s Lehigh ISE Career Fair convened on September 27, 5:00-8:00pm, at the Asa Packer Ballroom at the University Center. Populytics was the prime sponsor of the event.
Dressed in their best business casual clothing and practicing elevator pitches with their friends, more than 50 Lehigh University Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) seniors and master’s students filed into this year’s Populytics Lehigh ISE Career Fair with great anticipation. Welcoming each of them were many ISE alumni, representing their respective companies and organizations, sharing stories of internships that turned into professions and friendships that blossomed into successful startups. “I was surprised to see so many Lehigh ISE alumni represent their companies. It was great connecting with them!” said Parth Deven Ghandi ‘2023 ISE Master’s student.
This year’s Fair embodied a variety of participants from healthcare, software development, and consulting to versatile materials for endoprosthesis to fuel cells. What attracts companies to the Lehigh ISE engineer is that they apply critical decision-making and analytics to optimize complex processes, systems, networks, investments, and organizations that can be practiced in nearly all sectors of business.
As one of the initiatives of the Lehigh ISE Industrial Liaison Program, this year’s Career Fair was the perfect opportunity for ISE engineers to network with alumni and in some cases, future employers.