Episode 4 of the Rossin Connection podcast series features the team behind a Lehigh-funded effort to produce, assemble, and deliver 3-D printed face shields—up to 500 a week—to area hospitals and emergency management agencies. This special episode (produced according to social distancing guidelines) brings listeners inside the additive manufacturing lab in Wilbur Powerhouse, up to Mountaintop to the laser printers, and out on the road.
When Brian Slocum '97, managing director of Lehigh's Design Labs, first read about the shortages of personal protective equipment, or PPE, in New York City hospitals, he started researching how 3-D printing could solve some of the scarcity issues. But soon, local hospitals started emailing him, asking if Lehigh could use additive manufacturing to help them bolster their own supplies of protective gear. He's now hard at work, along with team members Trevor Verdonik '13 '15G and Michael Moore '12, turning a 1000-foot role of PET plastic donated by Dupont into 1000 shields.
In the episode, you'll hear from some of the institutions relying on these 3-D printed shields to protect themselves, their coworkers, and their patients—and learn how you can support the Lehigh team producing this critical piece of PPE.
Rossin Connection is a show for students, alumni, faculty, and staff—current, former, and future—and for anyone who is interested in the many creative ways that engineers are solving the world’s problems. Learn more about the show, where to find it (and if you’re a podcasting newbie, how to subscribe!), and where to submit feedback and episode ideas.