Innovative direct air capture method developed by Lehigh team led by Professor Arup SenGupta will be highlighted in "Climate in Crisis" special

The amount of carbon dioxide that needs to be removed from the air to reverse the effects of climate change is "mind-boggling," says Arup SenGupta, a professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering and civil and environmental engineering, in a recent interview with NBC10 Philadelphia reporter Lauren Mayk.

SenGupta discussed the innovative direct air capture system he and his research team have developed that captures carbon dioxide from the air and converts it to sodium bicarbonate—aka baking soda—that can be stored in in the “infinite sink” of the ocean.

The segment will re-air tonight at 7:30 p.m. as part of the network's Climate in Crisis special.

NBC 10 Philadelphia: Taking Carbon Dioxide Out of the Atmosphere