Below are links to the students that enrolled in the ISE program for the given year. Where applicable, they have given their permission to be contacted about their experiences with the ISE Program at Lehigh University.

Lance Anderson John Babson Nephellie Bellos Laura Bonds
Khee Choo Robert Christie Derek Clugh Dana Codispoti
Malcolm Cornish Keith Cowan Matthew Cromar Peter Crucian
Stacey Cunningham Francis David Frederico Do Valle Andrew Donaldson
Kerry Duffy Jessica Feigley Angelo Firenze David Gemzik
Paul Gresh Garrick Hebdon Robert Hercek Matthew Hinton
Rodney Hough Lynn Isola Stacy Kalbach Kenneth Kempinski
Adam Kiesel Brian Kopacz Brian Kopec Jose Lagdameo
Steven Loranger Omesh Lund David Meadows David Neidhardt
Charles Norcross Dennis Novosel Alexander Odio Douglas Oravec
David Oring Melissa Perkins Jenna Petrosky Neil Pisane
Ahmed Rana Andrew Reichman David Robinson Sean Seamone
Andres Sedano Mansour Sheikh Jon Shesler Kristen Stone
Todd Treonze Robert Wagner Scott Wargo Kemble Widmer
Joseph Youngblood