Below are links to the students that enrolled in the ISE program for the given year. Where applicable, they have given their permission to be contacted about their experiences with the ISE Program at Lehigh University.
Levent Akgerman | Abigail Babson | Natalie Balas | Melissa Barnaby |
Jason Campbell | Todd Carlson | Kathleen Chase Curran | Yen-Chieh Chen |
Jay Coblentz | Terrance Coles | Michael Cruz | Eric Davis |
Gianluca Dinunzio | Jeffrey Dow | Amina Finucane | Dominick Galimi |
Suzanne Gibb | Brian Jeter | Ajay Ketty | Edward Kiernan |
Kevin Korman | Adam Levison | Joshua Lew | James Longbons |
Yaroslav Lvovich | James Mcmenamin | Shaidun Omar | Kerri Rehus |
Daniel Rodenhaver | Jamie Scanlon | Stephanie Shampine | Aswani Shukla |
Michael sonon | Javier Sotomayor | Leonardo Stomayor | Glenna Stone |
Brian Swartwood | Emily Walsh | Tricia Wandrie |