Below are links to the students that enrolled in the ISE program for the given year. Where applicable, they have given their permission to be contacted about their experiences with the ISE Program at Lehigh University.

Christina Allen Theodore Allgair Nedi Almazlinos Hector Altamirano
Joseph Arimany Steven Barilla Ryan Bergmann Richard Bodnar
Jason Clemens Warren Close Marc Collins Eric Crawford
Nicolae Crucian David D'Alessandro Bryan Egen Christopher Ewart
Juan Fajardo Laura Forstrom Guzevich Alex Gilksman Summer Harling
Charlene Harry Eric Hayduk Alexander Johnson Scott Klinger
Marc Lagattuta Hin Lai Philip Leroy Katharine Lewis
Brian Lobley Jeff Loranger Chi Ma William Manegio
Jarred Markel David Merrifield Megan Miller Jamileh Najm
Mohammad Nasr Tais O'Dwyer Matthew Perna Florence Quinonez
Alejandro Quintero Carlos Rivera Jason Rosenfeld Brian Schellati
Roberto Schildknecht Thomas Sennett Bill Strain John Strong
Jenny Tsai Memed Uzel John Van Doren Douglas Vaughn
Jessica Weathers Andrea Wethern Jennifer Wise Mereille Ziade
Scott Klinger