Below are links to the students that enrolled in the ISE program for the given year. Where applicable, they have given their permission to be contacted about their experiences with the ISE Program at Lehigh University.

Hsiao Chen Racquel Doherty Siyi Feng Ashley Goldschmid
Stephanie Gutman Nicholas Hochrein Sicco Huizing Natalie Jacobs
Inigo Jiminez-Oyarzun Clarisa Kelly Jay Kothari Anothony Lonero
Xinran Long Huahao Luo James Mannherz Ian McDonald
Elizabeth McGarrigle Keri McGlothlin Gillian McGovern Xinton Ming
Joseph Mitri Brian Morales Christopher Mueller Tony Nikolov
Thomas Pacelle Anna Putelo James Rau William Schwarz
William Shaughnessy Ryan Staffen Julian Still Robert Sullivan
Ian Udvarhelyi Sonia Velex Liam Walsh Zijia Wang
Peter White Anjela Yates Yujing Zhao