Data Science and Machine Learning 
In today’s information era, we find ourselves in a world in which massive amounts of digital data – obtained via standard data entry, but also from smart devices, social media, etc. – is collected and stored on a scale once considered unimaginable. With this information come new challenges and opportunities as one hopes to analyze these data for knowledge and discovery.
It should come as no surprise that Industrial and Systems Engineering, of which a crucial component has always been data analytics, is evolving in exciting ways in this new age. Throughout ISE, researchers and practitioners seek new ways to extract useful information from data (using unsupervised learning or data mining techniques), predict or select the features in data upon which one should act when making decisions (using supervised or predictive learning), and perform various other data-driven tasks.
At Lehigh ISE, our faculty are world class in developing state-of-the-art algorithms for solving modern data science problems. Coupled with our strength in mathematical optimization, which is one of the pillars of machine learning, our faculty are contributing fundamental advances in deep learning, reinforcement learning, fairness in machine learning, and related topics.
Lehigh's research groups / institutes / programs:
ISE Optimization and Machine Learning Research Group
MODS Program in the Foundations and Applications of Mathematical Optimization and Data Science