Below are the students that recently graduated from our ISE Undergraduate program (with links to their LinkedIn pages when applicable).
Levent Akgerman | Abigail Babson | Natalie Balas | Melissa Barnaby |
Jason Campbell | Todd Carlson | Kathleen Chase Curran | Yen-Chieh Chen |
Jay Coblentz | Terrance Coles | Michael Cruz | Eric Davis |
Gianluca Dinunzio | Jeffrey Dow | Amina Finucane | Dominick Galimi |
Suzanne Gibb | Brian Jeter | Ajay Ketty | Edward Kiernan |
Kevin Korman | Adam Levison | Joshua Lew | James Longbons |
Yaroslav Lvovich | James Mcmenamin | Shaidun Omar | Kerri Rehus |
Daniel Rodenhaver | Jamie Scanlon | Stephanie Shampine | Aswani Shukla |
Michael sonon | Javier Sotomayor | Leonardo Stomayor | Glenna Stone |
Brian Swartwood | Emily Walsh | Tricia Wandrie |