Dear friends and colleagues:
The Fall 2024 issue of our bi-annual newsletter allows us to reflect on the significant accomplishments of the students, faculty, and alums of Lehigh's Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM) department. It’s been a remarkable year for Lehigh MEM. Our faculty secured exciting new research grants (from the Department of Energy, Department of Defense, National Science Foundation, and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), featured their work in the popular media, and won major awards from professional societies. Our alums won prestigious awards, while our students received prestigious fellowships and travel awards.
Lastly, I am very pleased to announce that Lehigh MEM has set a record for the enrollment of women in the department with a 10-year high as we significantly improve upon the national average. This is due to the dedication of our faculty and staff and, most importantly, the tireless efforts of Professors Christina Haden and Hannah Dailey through their leadership for our undergraduate and graduate programs!
If you appreciate our efforts and the direction the department is heading, please consider making MEM your philanthropic priority this year. Your support is crucial to our continued success.
Arindam Banerjee, Ph.D.
Paul B. Reinhold Professor and Chair, MEM